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Author Topic: Feature Request: View current file operations in progeress  (Read 2008 times)


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Feature Request: View current file operations in progeress
« on: January 14, 2012, 07:58:41 pm »

I was wondering if it's possible to include a feature to show what file operations are being processed in the background, ie Move/Rename and tagging. And to have an option to cancel/pause these operations. The only indicator currently available is in the bottom bar, and there's no control.

I ask this because if I'm doing large edits over WiFi moving files to the server and I need to shut down the laptop, my MC Library will sometimes become corrupted, with orphan files left in folders, some files unnamed, some will be ignored by AutoImport. Being able to pause or cancel would be very useful.


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Re: Feature Request: View current file operations in progeress
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 08:25:23 pm »

I would like this also.  Sometimes MC is just very slow, and I know it's working on something in the background, but I just have to wait and wonder why I can't do what I want, and try not to yell at inanimate objects :)
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Re: Feature Request: View current file operations in progeress
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2012, 09:53:45 pm »

Two separate issues here. Visible status and ability to cancel. I'm not aware of any operation that does not have sufficiently visible status. With regard to ability to cancel, Rename/Move is the only operation I can think of that does not have a cancel, and unless you are moving files between drives is fast enough, even on huge jobs, to not require a cancel. So it seems that the only scenario that might require a cancel is moving/copying files between drives. Given other priorities I'd be inclined to learn to live with this. It has also been my experience that MC is remarkably resilient to being killed by task manager. I always check the integrity of my database after killing MC and have never detected a problem.


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Re: Feature Request: View current file operations in progeress
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2012, 11:46:45 pm »

or how about when ya accidentally tag 37,000 files. there is no way to cancel, after jriver has given you the warning do you want to tag this many files... Sometimes ya may change your mind. and you can't cancel the tag. have to wait, then do undo. or force close, then retag


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Re: Feature Request: View current file operations in progeress
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2012, 07:30:46 am »


I think this is a good idea, anything that gives users more control must be good right?

Would the cancel button automatically undo any changes that have already taken place or would it be best to keep that to a separate function?


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Re: Feature Request: View current file operations in progeress
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2012, 11:03:24 am »

I'm not aware of any operation that does not have sufficiently visible status.

some examples...

Background importing of files (Auto Import)
Creating thumbnails for these imported files
Verification files exist
Unknown stuff that I've never figured out :)

I renamed 2 videos last night, which resulted in them being moved from one mapped drive to another mapped drive on the same server.  I started this process on a desktop connected via wifi.  After switching focus to another program, I was unable to open or use MC for almost an hour while this moving happened.  I could have killed it in the task manager, but I did want it finish, so I just left if alone and did something else.

If MC had given me the option to "Pause" the process, everything else I was working on would have gone much faster.
pretend this is something funny
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