I've enabled WASAPI for an Nvidia card sending audio to a Denon Receiver via HDMI. The receiver is wired up to just two speakers. It works if I listen to music or if I watch certain TV stations. If I watch certain other TV stations, though, I don't get all of the sound (usually dialog). Since it's the flagship HD stations that don't get all of the sound, and it's the dialog that's missing, I strongly suspect that it's the channels sending 5.1 sound (specifically using the center channel) that are broken and for some reason I'm not getting the center channel audio to play at all.
Using WMC to watch TV, my receiver reports 5.1 input but it figures it out and correctly gets all of the sound to the two speakers. So, I'm not really sure why the receiver would be unable to figure it out in the WASAPI situation.
Even so, I went into the MC configuration and set the Channels to 2. My understanding is that this should shift the burden of mixing the source signals into 2 channel stereo from my receiver to MC. But, I still have the same problem.
Any hints? Thanks.