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Author Topic: ripping speed  (Read 689 times)


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ripping speed
« on: May 13, 2002, 10:12:27 pm »

this is a probably "read the FAQ" question, but im getting real slow ripping from my CD. im using a plextor cdrw, and i tried both IDE and ASPI. the best i get is about 4x with digital large buffer.

i used to have a dvd in the system, and got about 10x on that puppy, so it's weird that it's device dependent.

any thoughts


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RE:ripping speed
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2002, 04:49:32 am »

Are you ripping and encoding at the same time?  If so, what are you encoding too...MP3?  4X is pretty good if going to MP3.  Ripping to uncompressed .WAV with Digital Larger Buffer & my Plextor I get 18X and MP3 I get only 2.9X (slow PC CPU @ 450mHz).


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RE:ripping speed
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2002, 06:33:43 am »

I am indeed ripping to VBR MP3, so that explains part of it. However, I was getting about 8x with my DVD-ROM under the same conditions. I guess the encoding degredation to ripping speed should be related to the processor power: I am running an Athalon 800.

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