I'm starting to get a lot of movie series, and it's quite frustrating scrolling past 8 items and so when you know you're not interested in watching it that day. What is the options here?
What I'm hoping for is some kind of automatic help here. I have a suggestion. TMDB has info regarding previous movies and upcoming movies in a movie series. This could be added when you first do the lookup and scraping.
- Create 3 new library fields (string)
- Two contains the previous and coming movie title
- One field for Boxset name/title
The scraper would download the previous and upcoming title of the series. If it's the first, it has no tiles in the previous, and if it's the last, it will have nothing in the upcoming field (it's not good names but I can not for the life of me remember the correct words). Other titles will have both. This can be used to automate things later, and it will provide a good indication of the order of the movies, if you add the fields to the Info panel. It's also possible that TMDB have the Boxset title in it's API. That would simplify much, and automate all of it.
I would suggest that you add an option to every view. Called "Add Boxset category to movies" or something similar. This would show a new category, mixed with all the single movies, that contains all of the movies in the box set. If it contains only one title, the boxset category will be dropped. As with seasons.
Is something like this possible at all today?