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Author Topic: Crossfade & Playlists  (Read 1514 times)


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Crossfade & Playlists
« on: January 31, 2012, 07:06:26 am »

Hi there,

I tend to have smartlists that play music for a couple of hours, with crossfade on. When the playlist ends, i lose the last few seconds of the last track, and then those seconds are played at the start of whatever playlist comes next.

Is it possible for MC to know that a smartlist is coming to the end, and include all the song, ignoring the crossfade?


Alex B

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Re: Crossfade & Playlists
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2012, 08:21:56 am »

Are you saying that the last track in Playing Now is faded out (or cut short) when playback stops and when you add new files to Playing Now and play them you will first hear the missing tail of the last played track? (I can't reproduce this.)

If you mean that you would like disable cross-fading only between certain tracks depending on their position in certain playlists, I don't see how that could be possible.

(Edit: You probably already know the following, but it might be useful for others.)

Inside MC the playlists are either static listings or rule based filtered views of the database files. When a playlist is played the included files are added to the Playing Now queue list (the exact behavior depends of which play command was issued, e.g.: play (replaces), add to end, add as next to play, etc.)

MC has no reference of which library view or playlist was used for viewing the tracks at the moment they were sent to Playing Now. The played tracks are cross-faded if cross-fading is enabled, however the last track is not faded out.
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Re: Crossfade & Playlists
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2012, 09:05:53 am »

Are you saying that the last track in Playing Now is faded out (or cut short) when playback stops and when you add new files to Playing Now and play them you will first hear the missing tail of the last played track? (I can't reproduce this.)

Yes, that's it.

If MC doesn't do it - must be my sound-card. I will endeavour to source a USB one and see if that helps.

Many thanks......
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