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Author Topic: SOLVED: Getting dts bitstreaming audio files to play in MC17  (Read 19873 times)


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SOLVED: Getting dts bitstreaming audio files to play in MC17
« on: February 10, 2012, 08:26:37 am »

In another thread I posted that I was having problems getting my dts audio files to bitstream bitperfect out properly in MC17.  MC17 would actually hard crash requiring a ctrl-alt-delete and task manager kill the pieces of MC17 to restart.  These same files had worked fine (after much configuration troubleshooting) in MC16.

To anyone else that is having issues bitstreaming dts audio files read on.  The main problem seems to be that MC17 reports the files as 32 bit 6 channel audio and trys to engage DSP Studio (and fails/crashes) when it encounters a dts file.  This happens with both HDMI out and SPDIF out on my machine.

Here is the fix:

1.  In a client/library playback environment, make sure that DLNA is not reencoding the files.  On both the client and library server make sure that the following:
Options-> Media Network -> Client Options -> Audio Conversion -> Dont Convert Audio

2.  Audio Options on the playback client:
Options -> Audio -> Output Mode -> WASAPI or WASAPI event style (ASIO and KS could work as well, did not try myself)
Options -> Audio -> Settings -> DSP make sure that ALL DSP settings are turned off.  Any DSP features by MC will scramble the encoded dts in the file and cause static to come out of your speakers.

3.  Video Options on the playback client:
This turned out to be the core issue and is not very intuitive.  You need to ensure that the dts audio file is running thru the MC17 video directshow playback engine.  This fact is KEY to getting the dts file to bitstream bitperfect properly.

Options -> File Types - DTS - set playback method to JRiver Video Engine (using DirectShow Filters)

Options -> Video -> Bitstreaming YES SPDIF (or possibly HDMI)

4.  This last step may or may not be required.  I setup it while debugging.  I then later deleted the rule and was able to still get bitstreaming without the rule in place.  The addition of the rule allows you to select different directshow filters such as AC3Filter for troubleshooting.

Options -> Video -> General Video -> Video Mode - Advanced Custom
Options -> Video -> Custom Video Mode Settings
  Add Rule
  Type- Audio Decoder
  Filter- LAV Audio Decoder (other decoders like ffdshow and AC3Filter can work as well)
  Condition- codec(dts);container(dts)




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Re: SOLVED: Getting dts bitstreaming audio files to play in MC17
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2012, 09:00:42 am »

I thought we were talking about DTS in a video.  This makes more sense when we're talking about DTS as audio-only.

Basically, DTS audio (like all other encoded audio) is decoded to PCM and output as PCM.  There is no audio bitstreaming in Media Center (except for DSD, which is special).  

Media Center is the best decoder and processor, so this is normally good.

But if you use S/PDIF, you can't handle the multi-channel PCM so this can be a problem.  Your workaround is good.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: SOLVED: Getting dts bitstreaming audio files to play in MC17
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2012, 09:09:19 am »

I use SPDIF because I have a Firestone Audio Bravo SPDIF reclocker in my digital out path which reclocks my signal down to 50ps jitter levels (by spec anyway). 

I have HDMI out as well from my PC, but I prefer the sound of the audio thru the reclocked SPDIF.

I don't use any of the video features of MC.  I only use MC for music playback.


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Re: SOLVED: Getting dts bitstreaming audio files to play in MC17
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2012, 06:46:50 pm »

Basically, DTS audio (like all other encoded audio) is decoded to PCM and output as PCM.  There is no audio bitstreaming in Media Center (except for DSD, which is special).  

Why do you assume that the MC17 end user would always want to decode and not bitstream?  Seems like you should leave that choice up to the end user since depending on the hardware decoding in MC might or might not be the optimal option.  In my case, MC17 attempting to decode caused a hard crash of MC17 due to limitation of my sound device drivers (I am assuming that is why it crashed).


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Re: SOLVED: Getting dts bitstreaming audio files to play in MC17
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2012, 03:28:00 pm »

I've used your method and encounter some problems:

1) On certain 5.1 DTS mixes (such as Roxy Music Avalon or Guns N' Roses Greatest Hits), the music is higher pitch than it should be.  It appears the overall length of the song is identical, but all pitches are shifted slightly higher.  On other recordings, such as Muse's Resistance, this does not occur.

2) I can not fast forward any DTS or WAV tracks from J River, but MP3 fast forwards fine.

3) Some recordings will not play unless I force the bitdepth to resample below 32 bit.  J River will other wise crash and force me to restart the program.

When listening to the DTS or WAV files decoded by J River to multi-channel LPCM, they sound fine.

My setup:  Dell Zino HTPC with Radeon 5450 --> HDMI --> Denon 4311 receiver. 

Any help you can provide would be great. 



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Re: SOLVED: Getting dts bitstreaming audio files to play in MC17
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2012, 06:54:10 pm »

With HDMI, there is no reason to bitstream DTS.  It would be better to decode on the PC and send lossless PCM.

This should be the default behavior with Media Center.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: SOLVED: Getting dts bitstreaming audio files to play in MC17
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2012, 08:02:21 am »

With HDMI, there is no reason to bitstream DTS.  It would be better to decode on the PC and send lossless PCM.

This should be the default behavior with Media Center.

It's ok to be the default, but please don't delete the capability or limit the ability to bitstream for those user's who prefer that method due to particulars of their setup.


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Re: SOLVED: Getting dts bitstreaming audio files to play in MC17
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2012, 03:32:39 pm »

I have doen steps 1 & 2 and wasn't getting my DTS 5.1 FLAC files to work. I am sending bit perfect files to my OPPO bdp-105. Wouldn't step 3 involve the PC's sound card?

I "solved" this by loading my Logitech media library into MC 18, and now 5.1 DTS FLAC playback works. Drawback is that cover art and meta tags are all missing so I set my Pure Direct on and the TV doesn't get a signal. I'll look into step 3 to see what gives so I can remove the Logitech Media server and hopefully regain tags.


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Re: SOLVED: Getting dts bitstreaming audio files to play in MC17
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2017, 11:25:55 pm »

One more setting to add to the to-do list in order to send a bit perfect DTS stream to your DAC.  Need to set the following:

Options -> Audio -> Advanced -> Dither Mode (not zone-specific): JRiver Bit-exact Dithering
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