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Author Topic: A Lot of Good News Lately  (Read 1773 times)


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A Lot of Good News Lately
« on: February 20, 2012, 06:46:39 pm »

We've been lucky, I guess.  

The Absolute Sound did a four part series in which the writers used JRiver MC to test.  They came up with a few very controversial findings, but we've seen a lot of activity as a result.  The last issue (March) had a summary.  MC was named "Best of the media organizers" and "If you could buy just one...."  Sort of like winning a couple of Grammy's for us.

Computer Audiophile did a very detailed article on MC17.  They had done one on MC14 a few years ago, and it set off a round of news and forum activity about MC.  As a result, I think, we picked up a lot of support from audiophile manufacturers.  It affected our sales very visibly.  This one should also have an effect.  Chris Connaker, the owner and founder of is a very knowledgeable, hard working guy who puts out a lot of good material.  And he's a fellow Minnesotan!  Here's the latest article:

Last month, at CES, Monster Cables showed a special version of our player with some very innovative wireless speakers.  Up to four zones over a simple wireless networks.  Not yet released but should be soon.

AVForums included MC in a comparison of HTPC Software:

Some great third party skins and remotes, too.  Thanks.

Our new friend, Cookie Marenco, of Blue Coast Records has introduced JRiver's DSD capabilities to a few industry leaders.  Thanks, Cookie!

Best Sound for Lowest Cost at CES -- Calyx used JRiver Media Center.

We've been included in ad hoc discussions about setting standards for playback of DSD on devices.  Cookie sent us this link today:

And my Samsung Galaxy Note was delivered on Saturday.

Thanks for your help.  I hope you have a nice evening (or morning or noon).


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Re: A Lot of Good News Lately
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 07:04:31 pm »

Wow, that's fantastic! (And the exclamation mark doesn't mean surprise, it means enthusiasm).
A wise man once said don't count your years, but make your years count. Or was it beers?


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Re: A Lot of Good News Lately
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2012, 08:45:25 pm »

I can't imagine how many man-years of work are in MC and the code it builds on. For the loudspeaker/audio hobbyist, MC with built in DSP and VST support is in a class by itself. Multi-amped speakers with digital XO and digital correction are now practical and affordable. Do try this at home.


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Re: A Lot of Good News Lately
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2012, 10:17:35 pm »

"Some cultures are defined by their relationship to cheese."

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