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Author Topic: A new question...and some praise  (Read 2500 times)


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A new question...and some praise
« on: February 04, 2012, 10:23:13 am »

First the praise...I now have gizmo working at least 90% of the way it should (still will not wake a sleeping or off PC). The ability to sit in a remote location connected by Wi-Fi to my PC at home and raid the music server is little short of amazing!

This is my setup
Toshiba 755 series laptop with i3 processor and MC17 installed and 8GB of RAM
A Linskies E3200 router
Cable speeds (hard wired) of around 50mpbs and wireless around half that. The PC is connected wireless.
A Droid III international phone with Gizmo

My new question...If I access a 24/96 Hi-Rez file on my PC using Gizmo on my phone, am I getting 24/96 fidelity or does the program reduce the signal to 16/44.1 for Gizmo?


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Re: A new question...and some praise
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2012, 04:16:48 pm »

Still playing with the setup...Now have two servers up and working BUT, still have the same problem I have always had. Both servers are available for selection BUT only when already on. Gizmo steadfastly refuses to open either machine when off/asleep or when MC has not already been started either locally or from the internet.

The ports are set, the static IP's are operational and every other thing in the threads on this are set correctly and still it refuses to open a sleeping or off MC..

I also still have the problem with MC17 being opened on my PC, reduced but still there. When reduced, the MC icon remains in the tray but the actual screen disappears after an hour or so and cannot be found or restarted until one has used the task manager to kill the application...In Task Manager the application reads as 'not responding'...

Another quirk, as long as that ICON is open in the task bar, Gizmo works, even if the actual screen is missing and the program refuses to respond.


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Re: A new question...and some praise
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2012, 04:21:36 pm »

Run Media Server on Windows start.  It's an option in Startup.

Read more on the wiki.


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Re: A new question...and some praise
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2012, 07:57:43 pm »

Alas, that had no effect...


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Re: A new question...and some praise...more praise and info
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2012, 02:53:23 pm »

I got it fixed...I think...I went to my hard wired PC and set it up per the instructions and got it to also work fine BUT only when it was already open (not asleep or not when the PC was off). Today I used the windows network and sharing center and then into firewall settings. I found I had to add MC17 to the list of programs on the permitted list, had to add a 'portable device' to another menu, and create a rule for gizmo letting it in the proper ports (something I had already done separately with the router). Now it works like mad on my home network from off or asleep.

What I really like is streaming music from a server through my phone via bluetooth to a wireless bluetooth speaker (Jawbones Jambox|13517452&CPNG=electronics&ci_sku=13517452&ci_gpa=pla&ci_kw= )

I will admit to being terrified of any need to reset the PC to defaults as I am not sure I would ever be able to do this again...That said, this is an amazing ability.



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Re: A new question...and some praise
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2012, 08:05:00 pm »

Spoke too soon. It works perfectly on my local net but I still cannot get it to work from a remote Wi-Fi site. I figure it has to be a firewall issue somewhere...

Bill Kearney

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Re: A new question...and some praise
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2012, 11:59:03 am »

Define remote wifi site.  Is this an access point connected to the same network?  Or are you in some totally different location with routers and firewalls between them?  If that's the case then you'd need to have the router at MC site understand how to pass traffic to the PC running MC.

As a side note, trying to use power management on a server application like MC is going to cause no end of hassles.  Servers are designed to run 24x7.  Not stop and start on demand.  Best case you could configure the server to stop and start itself on a timed schedule.  Some machines have the ability to wake themselves up at a specific time.  Then you can configure windows to shut itself down at a specific time.  There are some PCs that can wake from a LAN connection, but then you have to make sure the router is properly configured to let that traffic pass.  In a nutshell, it's more hassle than it's worth trying to get a server to stop/start.  You can try... but in the end it's a lot of hassle for little benefit.


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Re: A new question...and some praise
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2012, 04:46:56 pm »

I am sorry, I was unclear. I am speaking of a completely separate Wi-Fi site at a different location (my local wine bar). I hope to be able to sit there (or any other Wi-Fi network) and listen to my home systems servers through the phone. If I keep tweaking around the edges, I am pretty sure I should be able to enable that ability. I figure if I can access the servers from my home network but not from afar, it has to be a firewall or router issue.


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Re: A new question...and some praise
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2012, 12:11:26 am »

Yea Gods! It is at it again...I shut down one PC, the wireless one, and Gizmo refuses to work for either. Again I get that ridiculous 'problem connecting with the server'!

Is this thing never going to work 100% all the time??

It certainly does not seem so.

Bill Kearney

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Re: A new question...and some praise
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2012, 07:47:34 am »

Sounds like you don't have the computers configured in a way that's compatible with running a SERVICE application like MC.  Putting them to sleep is counterproductive to them providing a service.  This key point seems to escape you.  Until you grasp basic issues of networking and services you're going to have no end of hassles. 

The problem here isn't MC, it's you trying to run it on machines not set up to allow it to work effectively.  Since you've not configured the machines to be available 100% of the time it's entirely unreasonable to expect MC to be available 100% of the time either.


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Re: A new question...and some praise
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2012, 12:14:50 pm »

You are probably right BUT, unless I keep the laptops on 24/7, the app only works when it wants to and does not work at all from a separate Wi-Fi site. Setting up those PC's and the router is the issue. I have followed every instruction I can find, set up the router, set up windows 7, set up Bios, set up static IP's, set up WOL per instructions and yes, It works well 90% of the time on my local network but not at all from afar.

I wrote turning off the wireless PC last night broke contact with Gizmo which then refused to connect to the still on hard wired PC. Today when it was rebooted, all is well.

I have no idea why.

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