Do you think I can cut and past that and it will work. That's a lot of code - How in the world does one think a use would know how to do something like that?
Yes, you should be able to use it just fine with copy paste. But remember that this does not include images, as I've not imported that yet. This is actually a very simple example of what you can do for the file caption. You can format the text as well, and do a lot more complicated stuff. This is only simple use of IF logic. If you break it down and try to replace some text and library fields, you should be ably to build something for your self.
And yes, it IS complicated for normal users. It can be a living nightmare to try to do something complicated with this. For people with experience as well. That's why several have asked to split up this captions, and give the users some tools or presets to help them out.
As of the Season 0 problem... I'm not sure. MC should not have logic to get online meta data for Season 0 content yet. I'm not sure how this can be mixed, if it does not have National Geographic in it's name, and carnac picks it up? I think you need to give us some more details. File names, Name field, season and episode fields after import and so on.