It should play the whole season, from beginning to end, like a Playlist.
yes, and no. I can double-click anywhere to start a playlist
from that spot on. That's all I'm asking for here.
This is because your view is structured funky and you have [Episode] (or something like it) added as a category for some reason (perhaps to get Rick's fancy captions?).
It's the standard Theater View, right out of the box, with no customization at all. Well, I can't remember making any customizations to it anyway. I finally made some customizations to Theater View about a year ago, then Matt promptly rewrote Theater View and we all had to start over, so I never bothered to change it again (as far as I can remember).
If I had wanted to customize it, I would have it show episode
names, not numbers. Numbers are almost useless in quickly determining if a show has been watched. I have ZERO idea what episode 4 is about, but the name tells me at least something about it. This is why I have requested episode name be used instead of number in other posts, but that's another matter
I'll attach a screenshot in a few minutes of my same Theater View, showing BBT with the current season open. Play All on a particular episode works fine and continues to the next episode when it is done.
Thank you. This sounds like exactly what I want. Too bad you can't just share the view in a way I could just 'import' into my MC
Controlling it from within the season seems like the most elegant solution, and it doesn't require anything weird that could cause unexpected behavior.
I'm not sure what you mean by "Controlling it". If you mean 'starting playback from some point onwards', then yes, this is what I'm after.
If your view is structured oddly, well... That seems like an edge case. That's the problem with having those oddly structured views where you always end at a single item.
This is another reason I haven't bothered to create custom views, and why I'm hesitant to try that as a solution. When you get away from "stock", you have to manage much more 'on your own', which I prefer to avoid.
The alternative would probably be to do something like what MrC suggested, but that would be flaky in all sorts of ways because the [Number of Plays] and [Last Played] fields can be unreliable (and what if you don't finish watching an episode in one sitting and stop half-way through). You'd probably need to resort to a hacky custom field that you manually mark them as done when you've finished a set of episodes.
yep, which is why I said this wouldn't work
for me.