I wonder if you have confused the
Name library field and the actual physical filename. The
Name field shows metadata (aka a tag value). This library field is not directly linked with the filename. Inside MC you can check the
Filename library field to see the filename that is used by the operating system.
When you edit any tag (including the
Name tag) the new value is stored at least in the internal database (i.e. MC's library). When file tagging is enabled (it is by default), the changed metadata is stored also in a dedicated tag area inside the media file when this is possible. Most audio formats support adding metadata and the tag values can be stored inside the file. The WAV format is a bit special case. It used to be untaggable, but the recent versions of MC can optionally tag WAV files. Starting from MC17 this option should be enabled by default, but you can find instructions for checking and changing its state here: . Unfortunately most other programs (including Windows Explorer) do not support reading WAV tags.
You can use the
Rename, Move, & Copy Files library tool to mass edit the
Filename library field values (and thus the physical filenames). For example, if you use
[Name] as the filename rule it will change the filenames to be the same as the
Name library field values.
You can also edit the
Filename field value directly when you want change the name of a single file.