Could you please allow the ability to use the Elapsed Time] // [Total Time] in the info panel??
This would be good because sometimes for audio anyway I don't reside on the Playing Now Roller, I reside on the List one "The one that shows all files cued and has the info panel to the right", doing this would allow us to still see the [Elapsed Time] and [Total Time].
I have tried already and it doesn't work. The way I tried was using my custom field "Playing.Now" that has the following expression - if(isinplayingnow(),Yes,No)
I then added a custom field in the File Info Panel that contained the following expression - if(isequal([#Playing.Now],Yes,8),[Elapsed Time] // [Total Time],)
If you would allow this could you allow it also in the file caption, that way I could include the above expression at the end.
Although once thing I've noticed about File Captions, is that if I rate a song 5 stars while it is playing the caption doesn't update until another song has started playing "My file caption uses Mid(★★★★★, 0, [Rating]) to display the stars". I think maybe because this is due to the file being used at the time, so it can't be updated while in use. I think that would pose problems displaying the elapsed / total time in the file caption.
Could you possibly change File Caption to display pending changes?