just a feature request. I started the v9 thread cause I know you guys are trying to get this version finished so you can get it out so I didn't want to give you any new features to have to worry about trying to add to this version before you call it final.
There is a feature I'd like to see however.
I'm not sure if you've used EncSpot - I'm sure you've heard of it though. It gives you a lot of information about the mp3 files themselves.
I'd love it if Media Jukebox could include this functionality, especially the ability to tell me the quality of an mp3 and which encoder was used to encode it as it allows me to find all VBR mp3's that were encoded with Xing's encoder and get rid of them as this was an awful encoder.
If you cant add it in version 8 I'd love it in version 9.
Either as extra columns that can be viewed or in the file properties box when I right click on it. The extra column would probably be best as it would allow easier finding of all mp3's encoded with a particular encoder.
Thanks for the great work.