I sent this email on 7/3/2012 and again on 7/10/2012:
Hi Denis,
Thanks for the VST code.
However, running the same code does not update the user interface.
Would you be willing to try in Media Center. Download here:
It will look like this (use Manage Plug-ins at the bottom of DSP Studio to add the VST):
I load the chunk, but the user interface doesn't change.
I added your extra code that set the program name, but that didn't matter:
char cProgramName[kVstMaxProgNameLen] = { 0 };
strcpy(cProgramName, "default");
Dispatch(effSetProgramName, 0, 0, (void *) &cProgramName[0]);
I'm hopeful that if you just step it in the debugger with a debug compile of your VST, you'll see what's happening.
Thanks for your help,
Matt Ashland
JRiver, Inc.
They never replied. I've given up.
Maybe you could try asking them:
Denis Malygin (developer): deetune at yahoo dot com
Thuneau (company): feedback at thuneau dot com