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Author Topic: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1  (Read 5021 times)


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Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« on: May 03, 2012, 12:20:45 pm »

Added a Smart D1 to our layout back in Dec 2011. For digital music - I will use this device to "browse" the network via UpNp and have no trouble accessing the MC server running on my main PC.

The issue is with sorting. If I select an album via UpNp - the track order as it appears ON the Dune - always defaults to what looks like some kinda alphabetic sort. Yet - all my files are correctly numbered within MC and even the file names are preceded with the actual track number (ie: 01 Enter Sandman).

I have Media Server decoding the FLAC source to Uncompressed to the DUNE. I am not certain if it's the MC server sending things out wrong or the Dune interpreting the listings wrong (I am assuming the latter).

Just wondering if anyone else has seen this behavior - or better still - is seeing it on a Dune product?



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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2012, 04:32:36 pm »

What version of MC? 17.0.134 and newer indicate the Album container via DLNA which should prevent the renderer from sorting alphabetically.


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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2012, 04:41:27 pm »

What version of MC? 17.0.134 and newer indicate the Album container via DLNA which should prevent the renderer from sorting alphabetically.

I must admit - I haven't tried it lately - but I am running .144 now - so I will give this a whirl when I get a chance this evening and see what happens.

Also - to be clear - this device (the Dune) has no DLNA capability whatsoever - what little it can do is all via UPNP - so I would not be surprised if this "album container" you mention has no effect via a UPNP renderer...or - maybe I will get a nice surprise....




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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2012, 05:06:42 pm »

The container is applicable to uPnP as well...


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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2012, 07:11:20 pm »

The container is applicable to uPnP as well...


Well - seems that did not work. I still get the tracks displayed in pure alpha order. Could there be an issue with the settings that I am using to "serve" the files out via the DLNA server?

Here are my settings when I click Add Or Configure DLNA Servers:

Display Name: Dune Smart D1


Conversion: Always Convert
Encoder: Uncompressed

Stereo Downmix = On
Volume Levelling = On
Sample Rate = Same As Source


DLNAExtra = On

And that's about it. The source files are all FLAC and I am transcoding to Uncompressed so I get full volume leveling in play.

And other suggestions?




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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2012, 09:33:09 am »

There's a upnp variable we fill in called originalTrackNumber that is obtained from the MC database track number. That should be what the renderer uses to sort by.
Since you are saying that field is populated and that you are even putting the track names in alpha order (by 01... 02... in the title) it's pretty weird that you aren't seeing the proper order.

Any chance you could get me a wireshark dump of a browse of one of those album directories??


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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2012, 10:00:48 am »

Any chance you could get me a wireshark dump of a browse of one of those album directories??

Would love to - but Wireshark? No experience there. I found the app. What do I need to do to get you a log of the "browse"?

Also - it's important to note that this device (dune) has a mind of it's own when sorting as well. When I "browse" the MC server on my machine - I see three folders in the Dune display:


Then when I select Audio...I see:

All Files
Recent Albums

If I select Recent Albums - I get all my recent - but sorted in alpha (A at the top) . I would these to be sorted by most recent (but that's another question). However - then when I select an album - the tracks (now displaying .wav on the end) are all in alpha order. Within this view - if I press Menu on my remote - I get a small pop-up that has a item called Sort Settings. If I press that - I get the following little dialog with the following options:

Sort By = Name (choices are Name, Size and Unsorted)
Direction = Ascending (Choices are Ascending and Descending)

If I switch Sort By to Unsorted - everything works great. But I cannot find anywhere with this device to make Unsorted the default sort setting. So we may be fighting a losing battle here. I am highly suspect that even if MC is sending everything out right via the media server settings - this device is doing it's own thing and sorting the tracks using it's settings - NOT what's coming down via UpNp.

While I have you here - with respect to the question above regarding these Folders that I see when first accessing the MC Media Server via UpnP:

All Files
Recent Albums

I checked the view settings on the Recent Albums view and it is hard set to be sorting by Date Imported (which is what I want) yet when I open this folder on the Dune - it immediate sorts the view by Name - which is where I think the problem lies.

Bottom line - I think the Dune implementation of UpnP is shoddy and does not actually behave as a UpNp client should.





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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2012, 10:05:23 am »

Would love to - but Wireshark? No experience there. I found the app. What do I need to do to get you a log of the "browse"?

There is a quick summary of how to do it in the wiki:

You start it capturing just before browsing into an album directory and stop as soon as the render has the display of the files. The capture filter is important because it cuts out all of the extraneous ip traffic. In your case, you should run wireshark on the same PC that MC is installed on.


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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2012, 03:12:19 pm »

Would love to - but Wireshark? No experience there. I found the app. What do I need to do to get you a log of the "browse"?

Also - it's important to note that this device (dune) has a mind of it's own when sorting as well. When I "browse" the MC server on my machine - I see three folders in the Dune display:


Then when I select Audio...I see:

All Files
Recent Albums

If I select Recent Albums - I get all my recent - but sorted in alpha (A at the top) . I would these to be sorted by most recent (but that's another question). However - then when I select an album - the tracks (now displaying .wav on the end) are all in alpha order. Within this view - if I press Menu on my remote - I get a small pop-up that has a item called Sort Settings. If I press that - I get the following little dialog with the following options:

Sort By = Name (choices are Name, Size and Unsorted)
Direction = Ascending (Choices are Ascending and Descending)

If I switch Sort By to Unsorted - everything works great. But I cannot find anywhere with this device to make Unsorted the default sort setting. So we may be fighting a losing battle here. I am highly suspect that even if MC is sending everything out right via the media server settings - this device is doing it's own thing and sorting the tracks using it's settings - NOT what's coming down via UpNp.
Ah, I see. It's sort is overriding what we give it. That's why it looks OK "unsorted".
While I have you here - with respect to the question above regarding these Folders that I see when first accessing the MC Media Server via UpnP:

All Files
Recent Albums

I checked the view settings on the Recent Albums view and it is hard set to be sorting by Date Imported (which is what I want) yet when I open this folder on the Dune - it immediate sorts the view by Name - which is where I think the problem lies.

Bottom line - I think the Dune implementation of UpnP is shoddy and does not actually behave as a UpNp client should.


There is a bug in the default view item for Recent Albums. There is a reverse sort by date imported for the file display that shouldn't be there.

Other than that, as you say, the problem lays with the Dune. It should be able to be set take the sorting as given by MC's content directory by default. You could try to change the view under Albums for file display to sort on Track# A-Z but I imagine it will re-sort the result anyway.
Hopefully they'll fix it with a firmware update.

I have a similar problem with plug player and the recent albums. It pulls them down in the correct order and briefly displays them properly then sorts them alphabetically which defeats the whole purpose of recent albums.


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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2012, 08:36:40 am »

I stream to an Omnifi  (also a UPnP) from Twonky media. I would like to change to jriver but need to know whether I would get the same information. For instance I get Playlists. Does jriver stream this info as standard or does it have to be configured


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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2012, 10:40:30 am »

I stream to an Omnifi  (also a UPnP) from Twonky media. I would like to change to jriver but need to know whether I would get the same information. For instance I get Playlists. Does jriver stream this info as standard or does it have to be configured
This issue appears to be confined to particular renderers and control points. If you run Twonky without getting a forced alphabetic sort for your playlists, you should see the same from JRiver.


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Missing Cover Art folder
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2012, 09:16:22 am »

I don't have an Album Art folder for Media Centre 17. There is an Album Art folder in Media Centre 13 Which Appears to have been downloaded at the same time. Obviously I have to point my Cover to Media Centre 13 which workd up to a fashion but a lot of albums have no art work. Earlier I downloaded  Media Centre 17 to a different machine which I use for streaming and that has a cover art folder. I've tried downloading the latest version from the support forum but my about section in help still says please tell me what to do.
Sorry I've come this way, I've read the help but I still don't understand how to start a new topic.


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Re: Accessing MC via UpnP via Dune Smart D1
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2012, 09:47:42 am »

Going from 13 to 17, you should do a Library Restore of the library from version 13. That will grab the cover art you had in 13. Then since the storage methodology is somewhat different, going forward the cover art will be stored in the new fashion. When you do a library restore, you'll lose anything you've added in 17 (if anything), you'll have to re-add them.

Check the wiki for more info:
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