We could maybe create an IRC channel for chat
Never tried it, but if it's easy, yes thats the way to go.
I don't think I would be of much help in terms of design and graphics and all that but if you folks need storage, FTP or even a website, I am willing to set you up on a subdomain of my domain, privatebits.net (hosted at hostmonster.com).
Yes, this would be nice, thanks a million.
Xplain what type of collabaration you think off?
So this is the hard part, to be honest I figured it would be something like, in the start throwing some darts
and see if anything stayes.
Lets say I or another have a good idea on the looks of the skin, we would then throw up a quick mockup
made in ex. Photoshop, some of the stuff we could then agree on and other things not.
When we decide and agree on the looks we then split out the work, (Coding, Photoshop-ing, button, theme)
It's going to have to be a "no" from me

To bad.
InflatableMouse: Yes we would like You to set up an easy way to share our images, and skin ideas and what not, thanks.
Scolex: If You guide me in the way to IRC, this is the way we're going.
sirgeo: Are You in

P P P Please