Devices > PC's and Other Hardware

Problems reading hard disk from a WHS

<< < (12/12)

Hm, I had never heard of Crashplan.

Before I install it and try it out, does the free version simply replicate files and folders? How does that compare to the paid version of Allway Sync?

I've set that up to synchronise files across multiple locations. Is there any benefit from using Crashplan?

The good thing about Allway sync is that I can set it up to synchronise both ways. So I'm "backing up" my music folder to backup location and its replicating to the HTPC. The backup folder is one way (my pc to the backup location) and to the HTPC its both ways. So if I change tags or import new music on the HTPC, it gets replicated back to my PC and vice versa. This works almost flawless (almost, as I did have an issue once with new files being deleted and I had to reimport them from the backup location. Only happened once though, just need to pay attention :) ).

Allway sync can also use several suppliers of cloud storage or even just FTP to your own server somewhere.


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