I've been meaning to report this for a while, and now is the time...
When MC17's volume control setting is set to 'System Volume' (external vs. 'internal' volume)
and the 'Audio' Playback Option for 'Stop:' is set with a fadeout (either normal, fast, or slow),
MC17 performs the Stop:fadeout with the external system volume (when it really should perform the fadeout 'internally').
The negative effects of an 'system/external' controlled fadeout are as follows:
1) With digital S/PDIF connections (that ignore the volume control setting) NO fadeout is heard at all and this feature is rendered useless (this is a pretty serious issue/nuisance).
2) Some internal audio cards (like mine) make a slight "Pop" sound when the system volume is rapidly increased (at the end of the fadeout. (this too is annoying).
All of the above issues could be easily solved by simply always performing 'Stop:fadeouts' with the internal volume, irregardless of the system/internal setting.
Could the dev team please consider making this change? (I'm so sick of the 'pops'...)
Thanks for listening! -JT