MC plays files in the order they are listed.
You may be looking at the recently imported view. After you manually import files, MC switches to that view to show you the files that were imported. The files are listed in the order imported. Here is an example
The circled area marked "1" shows that this view is sorted first by Seq. No..
You can solve your problem by switching to a normal view like "Audio". You can do this by clicking on the small back arrow (circled and marked "2"). This changes to the previous view. The audio view is shown here
You can also switch views by clicking on a view name in the tree area on the left side of the MC window. (Circled and marked with a "3":.)
Note that files are sorted differently in this view. (For example, the circled area marked "4" shows that Data imported is the second field used for sorting the files. You can control what fields are shown in this list and the order in which the files are listed.
Here are some things to understand about specifying the order in which files are listed:
1. When a view is created, an initial sort order is defined. You can change that sort order later by clicking on a column heading.
2. MC can use more than one field to sort files. The field whose heading you mostly recently clicked on is the most significant.
3. To specify that your files should be sorted using several fields, specify them from least significant first to most significant last. For example, if you want files grouped first by artist and by album for each artist and finally by track number for each album, you would click on "Track #", then click on "Album" and then on "Artist".