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Would you (or a friend) buy a Linux version of JRiver Media Center if it were possible?

- 70 (45.8%)
- 12 (7.8%)
- 15 (9.8%)
- 56 (36.6%)

Total Members Voted: 150

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Author Topic: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?  (Read 15011 times)


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POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« on: June 21, 2012, 10:06:46 am »

[Edit -- We now have an early version for Linux.  Please read more on the Linux board ]

We've asked about porting MC to Mac in a recent poll.  I'm asking for your opinion on Linux as well.

It would be a very big project for JRiver.  We have about 1.5 million lines of code and changes would need to be made throughout.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2012, 10:33:01 am »

I voted no, but the real answer is "probably not".  The main use I'd see for that would be running MC as a headless server on a VM here at the office.  But I can do that just as well with a Windows VM now, and do, so I don't have much need.

If I ever needed to run a bunch of different MC servers, then maybe my tune would change (as the licensing for those windows copies would get expensive), but for now, running a few is cheap and simple, and it is what I'm used to.

I'm not going to comment on whether it makes sense to do it or not, because that isn't my call, and I don't have anywhere near the information I'd need to make it anyway.  Though... Based on market-shares and growth patterns I'd say that for end-user, desktop-focused use, Linux only makes sense if it is in addition to OSX.  Fans may hope for more, but... Sorry.  This is not the "year of Linux on the desktop", which has never actually arrived, and I don't think it will anytime soon (if ever).  If it didn't work on Netbooks, it isn't going to work.  So I'd think that any Linux-specific porting would be more server-focused than desktop focused, unless making the jump to it once you did OSX was a relatively simple matter.
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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2012, 11:02:02 am »

I don't see a need for full-blown MC on Linux, but an MC server that runs on Linux--heck yes! It would be great if the MC server was windowless and could be completely controlled by Windows or OS X clients.

Truly, in the past I was "this close" to moving to Linux full-time because some of the tools I use for work are Linux-only. In fact, the only thing that really kept me on Windows was MC. Recently, the Windows and OS X desktop environments have really surpassed Linux and many of the Linux-only tools I use have since been ported to Windows. Personally, I would only run Linux as a server on a low-powered, headless machine.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2012, 11:06:00 am »

I don't see a need for full-blown MC on Linux, but an MC server that runs on Linux--heck yes! It would be great if the MC server was windowless and could be completely controlled by Windows or OS X clients.

Personally, I would only run Linux as a server on a low-powered, headless machine.

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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2012, 11:13:59 am »

I probably would. MC17 is really the only reason I run windows.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2012, 12:19:36 pm »

I would. Linux would also make possible to make and sell complete preinstalled htpc sets. NAS with linux OS could be used as a server. I'll also assume that e.g. ubuntu's media stores adds possibilities... Not like OSX's very closed Apple driven envinroment.

I mean how do you compete against iTunes in Apple controlled system. DLNA isn't answer. Most normal people (not like us lurking here) doesn't want their own NAS boxes. They stream from spotify and such.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2012, 02:07:09 pm »

I don't see a need for full-blown MC on Linux, but an MC server that runs on Linux--heck yes! It would be great if the MC server was windowless and could be completely controlled by Windows or OS X clients.



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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2012, 02:56:03 pm »

Why do you guys want to build a dedicated media center with a useless copy of windows on it. Linux makes more sense. My vote. Yes
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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2012, 03:57:17 pm »

Specifically MC Server on Linux is a yes for me.  I would like to run it on my NAS as a server.  I have no interest in a MC Client on Linux.

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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2012, 04:06:03 pm »

I don't see a need for full-blown MC on Linux, but an MC server that runs on Linux--heck yes! It would be great if the MC server was windowless and could be completely controlled by Windows or OS X clients.


I'd rather that every box on my server rack be Linux-based, and that emphatically includes my MC server.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2012, 04:16:44 pm »

So, it seems like (of the people who would like this) most people are looking for a server-only edition.  However, some people are looking for an all-in-one "burn the ISO, boot the computer, install the linux-based-package" HTPC front-end system.

Am I reading this right?  To me, I'd only be (mildly) interested in the former, not the latter.  The latter seems like a much bigger project to me, but I could be wrong.

We don't have that many responses yet, on either thread really, but more will surely come in.

Though, just like the other poll... I don't know that we are the best audience to ask these questions.  The whole idea of offering it on another platform would be to expand the userbase to people who wouldn't otherwise be interested in MC, right?  I mean, sure, a few existing customers (20-ish here, and 30-ish there) would use it too, but the idea is to get people who aren't already lurking on Interact.
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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2012, 05:15:33 pm »

I voted no, as I run MS all the way except for my router and switches :)

However.... I do support this option a lot more than a OSx version. Simply because I think it could be a much smaller task to port the server part of MC for NAS installations. Users with linux based NAS' are plenty, and I think that this would be a better value for the invested development. At least short term. And it could give you a good indication of how hard a bigger OSx port would be for the future.
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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2012, 05:50:55 pm »

+1 for a Linux server element. To be able to serve media & TV from my server to Gizmo or other devices without my lounge room HTPC having to be on on would be great.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2012, 05:51:59 pm »

Though, just like the other poll... I don't know that we are the best audience to ask these questions.  The whole idea of offering it on another platform would be to expand the userbase to people who wouldn't otherwise be interested in MC, right?  I mean, sure, a few existing customers (20-ish here, and 30-ish there) would use it too, but the idea is to get people who aren't already lurking on Interact.
The percentages are useful.  In round numbers, 30 to 40% of Interact users seem interested.  That's higher than I expected, but it gives us a rough idea of how many units we could sell.

In reply to Daydream, adding sales anywhere will allow us to add developers.  Once the porting is done the first time, we'll use most of our muscle to extend the Empire.  In other words, it won't be the end of new features for Windows.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2012, 06:06:25 pm »

Hard to say. I'd think it would be a success if we can install a MC server 'app' on a Sysology or Qnap NAS but I'm not sure if this is possible at all. The limitation to unRAID or such appears too much 'Nerdy' to me to provide significant sales.
But I can be wrong..
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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2012, 09:47:51 pm »

I voted yes.  I've dabbled in Linux for years, and have yet to contemplate switching... until now.  If Windows is truly headed in the direction of Windows 8, I'll be switching to something else, and Linux is the most likely upgrade path for me.


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Re: Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2012, 12:58:09 am »

+1 on the server part.

Sandy B Ridge

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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #17 on: June 22, 2012, 02:50:00 am »

I'd be much more likely to buy the Linux version than OSX.  One use I will do soon is s second hTPC for the bedroom. I'd like it to be small and cheap like a nettop or one of those tiny PCs mounted behind the TV. Would be great to run MC on Linux on it and not have to pay out for Windows. As long as it works as a simple client and can render everything with Basic Red October type quality the I'll be happy.



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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2012, 03:47:18 am »

Already mentioned but I'd just add my voice to it. A bare server on Linux would be a great start. Command line version (no GUI), remotely managable. I think it would be fairly easy to make that run on OS X too.

I'm wondering though what license options you have in mind?


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2012, 03:58:40 am »

Please elaborate.
For the average user it makes more sense to buy something like a Synology NAS, install the drives and use the pre-installed apps in the DSM from backup to surveillance. These devices are perfect SOHO out of the box solutions and widely in use. Some of the models even support VMWare and Hyper-V, but who wants to install Linux in a VM on a NAS system?

Still have to see somebody with a unRAID in his basement. Of all the people I know not one knows about Linux in general, or unRAID in particular.
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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2012, 04:45:10 am »

While I voted "No" personally as I run Windows for my MC Server, there certainly is a big market for an MC Server version that would run on both Linux and WHS based NAS.  The issue I see is that video transcoding that currently uses Red October is base on 3rd party code leveraging MS's Direct Show structure so this feature set may not be easily transferred.
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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2012, 04:51:33 am »

So - I don't know.
That's why I wrote "Hard to say"
Still, working in this field I see clearly a tendency that less people choose the DYI route.
(Also, my customers would want a rock solid solution with a brand label, private and biz)
It's not that I wouldn't set up a unRAID with a MC server but at the end of the day Jim asked if this version could be profitable.
I'd say probably yes, but only if jriver was more popular in general. In other words, the more Windows MCs are out the higher would be the Linux server demand.
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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2012, 07:08:04 am »

Well... the linux version means that people can run MC on a low-end computers and do not need to worry about how much memory windows takes... But, I did vote "no", because well... Linux for me is meant to be free and well... Yeah, I do not know. One thing that could work is that the license covers both MS and Linux versions. I personally want to use MC on a old laptop as a music player, so Linux version would be better and faster in general than some old Windows.
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2012, 12:06:59 pm »

unRaid split


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2012, 01:16:44 pm »

My answer: YES. MC is one of the few apps that keep me on windows (part of the time at least), other of those WAS XN-View, but its author has gone the multi os way, xnview "mp" is available for win, linux & mac.

I have a suspicion a lot of MC users have at least toyed arround with linux some time... we are not the WMP (arrrgghh) classic user...



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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #25 on: June 22, 2012, 01:26:31 pm »

Already mentioned but I'd just add my voice to it. A bare server on Linux would be a great start. Command line version (no GUI), remotely managable. I think it would be fairly easy to make that run on OS X too.

I'm wondering though what license options you have in mind?

I wonder if you could structure it like Gizmo, sort of.  I mean, if you build/create a free little server, for whichever OS's you choose (Linux seems the obvious choice*), give it away, help support it, but let others contribute, but you can still charge for MC's front end, which is the beauty of MC.  the library can/should be a service (this is what's available to you), it's the interaction you can still charge for, and keep separate from the server, via an API, or something clever.  The 'database' portion and viewing platform (interface) should do the heavy lifting, and that's part you keep private.

*If/when you do a mac version of the server, I'm not sure how many would buy the windows version of the interface, so I don't suppose you gain much at first by going this route.  It's a necessary step to full mac version, but it seems putting it on Linux gives a good replacement for Plex, popcorn hour, XMBC, etc and some other servers.  

A Linux interface would need to be created for people to really be able to use the server without windows, but I think a simplified version to start would still be much welcome for 'Linux only' folks.  Perhaps sold as modules  Zone Control for $20, Audio for $25, Video for $30, Images for $15, Documents for $10, Podcasts for $5.
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2012, 11:04:08 am »

I'll take two:

One as a plugin for FreeNAS (FreeBSD jail) and another as Linux client with madVR support.  ;)
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2012, 05:01:41 am »

I voted Probably.

I would like a MC server to be able to run on a NAS box, i.e. database engine, DLNA and Library server, with management done by clients, such as the Windows client we already have today. That is my ideal goal so I should have replied Yes, however it is indeed conditional.  It depends if my NAS unit is powerful enough to run MC server (for example, Synology have released Plex server for installation on their NAS's but only on their higher-end models), and also if by Linux you mean an actual Linux PC as opposed to a headless NAS unit then my answer would be No.  I do accept that tasks such as real-time conversion via DLNA is probably not feasible. However, note that many if not most NAS's do have built-in DLNA servers, it's just that their indexing facilities are not flexible enough, and I don't see any reason why a large and powerful machine would be needed for just a database and indexing engine, and serving files.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2012, 08:14:00 am »

Make it work in Fedora (Red Hat) through RPMFusion is the easiest way for MC to make back its money invested in the Linux project. Further, this constitutes less work and many of us will undoubtedly donate. Selling it on Linux, as seen by Beyond Compare, can be costly with very low returns. The donation aspect will speak volumes for the number one true media center mogul JRiver. If you sell you are going to Ubuntu it. The Ubuntu crowd, without prejudice, for the most part, do not utilize the OS as a server. Fedora, for the most part, as mine does for example, houses an endless amount of server functions that RPM Fusion can embellish. It is, as seen with TeamViewer, to utilize Wine, very profitable when approached by openG software. Donations and funding, IBM for example, comes from everywhere. The code is nearly complete to begin with. I often reach success with Fedora 16 and cannot wait to try it on Fedora 17....just not on my server (costly move...ha ha). The problem with Wine, as seen with Google Picassa and Fedora, is that most Windows users have no clue how to utilize commands to implement the mounting of a network topology and thence watch in haste while the MC sits and freezes up the entire seen in XMBC and MediaTomb.

Personally, selling on Linux goes against the principle; however, Windows users have that tendency of associating the Microsoft empire as the only true way to compute....that is, until Android made its way onto the eeePC scene. I see a profitable future for MC on Android. Though, I see an intellectual stimulation to satisfy the geeks by working MC on RPM Fusion and forget DBS, Ubuntu, and TAR make.install. Just recall that Android is a mere step up from that specific point in code space and RPM installations. It may even open a new market for J River on Red Hat. For certain, Red Hat is bound to get involved and send developing funding your way since IBM still contributes to the OpenG licensing.... Along with countless others. Google Chrome works very well with Fedora closing the reign of poorly adaptable code from Mozilla. In more concrete terms, who knows where it will lead? Selling licensing in Linux is certainly never recommended! Your decision MUST consider fanatical groups as those of Anon, for example. Although, political, and to which they monitor security portals, a quick well considered letter would speak volumes for the predictor factor. I am a rather large fan of their work to reduce porn (child or not) on the Internet, but fare away for their take on what should remain OpenG licensing. I would certainly not ignore how they monitor the TechRepublic where you would certainly retrieve the answer to your question on that very specific portal.

Please feel free to contact me for additional insight on either of these subjects utilizing my personal eMail.

Thank you for listening
Fedora Linux Prof Beaudet
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We've asked about porting MC to Mac in a recent poll.  I'm asking for your opinion on Linux as well.

It would be a very big project for JRiver.  We have about 1.5 million lines of code and changes would need to be made throughout.



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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #29 on: June 28, 2012, 09:17:39 pm »

Maybe - it would totally depend on how it worked in to my current setup.  Right now I run it in a windows VM running on my main hackintosh system.  If I could inexpensively get it off on a headless server (like say running as an app on a Synology or similar) that would be a major benefit.  Of course the fly in the ointment at the moment is OSX/iOS.  We are currently primarily an OSX/iOS family, so my library has to undergo the good old MC > iTunes sync dance to handle our 'normal' use of the music library through iTunes Match.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #30 on: June 30, 2012, 11:46:50 am »

I probably would. MC17 is really the only reason I run windows.

Swop the word 'probably' for 'definately'. Everything else is the same, re my HTPC.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2012, 08:33:13 pm »

I've voted probably, as the only reason I would use it is if it would run on my NAS  (Thecus N5500) as a server.

The issue I see is that my server currently does all my TV recording as well, so to move that to a NAS will probably be close to impossible given the need for USB TV tuners.

Also if running on a NAS we'd need the clients to be able to rip/import and assign coverart etc which they can't do at the moment.

But an interesting idea if it can be achieved.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2012, 09:52:59 pm »

Well, I'm about 99% decided to backup my windows laptop and convert to Ubuntu full time, so I'm in for a full server + client version. I run MC on 2 PCs (1 of them the laptop in question) using the same licence, but would happily pay an "upgrade" fee to get my hands on an ubuntu / debian version.

Headless server version and full GUI version, please :-)


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #33 on: July 08, 2012, 06:53:25 am »

I think we need to be very careful in interpreting these numbers. People here are probably a techie subset of the total user base plus responders to this poll will be biased in favour of those who WANT Linux. Most who have no interest will just not respond.

If it were me I would develop it not for end user sales but for the potential to sell as an OEM product - both server end to NAS/Home Server appliances and client end for Connected TVs and Smart TV appliances. JRiver beats what these guys have hands down. The DNLA server is superb and there is no comparison between AllShare on my latest-gen Samsung TV and JRiver TheaterView.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #34 on: July 09, 2012, 07:27:48 am »

So, it seems like (of the people who would like this) most people are looking for a server-only edition.

Forgive me for asking, but if your data (by 'your' I don't mean you personally, but the greater 'your') is already in a NAS, what is the need for an MC server? Surely the NAS is already the server, with clients being the PCs which run MC.

So for me it's the latter, and only the latter. I have to pay £100+ for a copy of Windows for my dedicated HTPC, which I literally strip right down (remove media features, IE, Gadget platform, printing services, games, tablet PC bits, etc. etc.) so nothing else can be done on it.

So £100+ in this scenario isn't well spent. Being able to use MC on a free OS is something I would really, really like. Better still if it was some sort of stripped down distro that on boot went straight into MC (kind of like a branded MC distro, to give an exact experience that's found in a standalone dvd/blu-ray player).

Even if it meant JR doubling the price of MC on Linux because I'd still be quids in.

PS: I know you can set MC to load into T-View on boot-up, but Windows takes a while to load from cold. Plus everynow and again I wake it from sleep mode to find 'J River Media Center has encountered an error and must close'. At which point I have to break out the keyboard/mouse to clear this message and re-launch Media Server/Center. So infact JR could quadruple the price and I would pay it only not to have to suffer that! ;D


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2012, 07:39:08 am »

Forgive me for asking, but if your data (by 'your' I don't mean you personally, but the greater 'your') is already in a NAS, what is the need for an MC server? Surely the NAS is already the server, with clients being the PCs which run MC.
Nope - the NAS in that situation is acting only as a file server, not a media server.  As far as MC is concerned, the NAS unit is no different from a disk drive installed in its own PC.

For example, you wouldn't be able to switch the MC PC off and access the media from the NAS unit alone, via DLNA or via another MC client, in the unique way you've set up the indexes and views within MC.  MC server is still required to be running somewhere.  We just want it to be able to run on a NAS unit.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #36 on: July 09, 2012, 07:59:17 am »

For example, you wouldn't be able to switch the MC PC off and access the media from the NAS unit alone, via DLNA or via another MC client, in the unique way you've set up the indexes and views within MC.  MC server is still required to be running somewhere.  We just want it to be able to run on a NAS unit.

I have 3 MC clients all pointing to the same NAS shares. I can turn any one of the clients off and still access media on the NAS from any other client. I don't run MC Servers anywhere.

Am I missing something?


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #37 on: July 09, 2012, 08:03:34 am »

We just want it to be able to run on a NAS unit.

The problem with that is there are some many different brands of NAS units. Mine happens to be a custom built machine, running OpenIndiana with ZFS for storage pools/disk redundancy etc.

That's an awful lot of variables to consider, so in my example they would have to support Solaris variants as well!!!


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2012, 08:10:37 am »

I have 3 MC clients all pointing to the same NAS shares. I can turn any one of the clients off and still access media on the NAS from any other client. I don't run MC Servers anywhere.

Am I missing something?
Yes.  MC Server!

You are using the NAS unit as a file server it seems and you are not using the capabilities of MC media server and its library.  You are using MC as a client only.

Unless of course you have built a library on one machine and replicated it across all your other machines.  In which case you are using MC media server and you will not be able to close down all of your instances of MC and still be able to access your MC library from another media player.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2012, 08:21:10 am »

The problem with that is there are some many different brands of NAS units. Mine happens to be a custom built machine, running OpenIndiana with ZFS for storage pools/disk redundancy etc.

That's an awful lot of variables to consider, so in my example they would have to support Solaris variants as well!!!

Yes, there are a great number of variants of NAS units, some of which run Windows Home Server and are already capable of running MC.  But most Iguess will run some variant of Linux and, I don't really know enough about the subject, but I would have thought that there is an awful lot in common between all the various flavours that it must be possible to catch most of th emore popular brands of NAS unit.

Other organisations have done it. For example, on Synology NAS units, not only is there the built-in DLNA server together with the proprietary Audio Station library server, but you can also install the following alternatives/additions:

iTunes Server
Logitech (Squeeze) Server
Plex Media Server (higher-spec'd models only)
Serviio Media Server

And I guess a similar range is available on a large proportion of all the other popular home NAS solutions too.

In particular, it looks like both Plex Server and Plex Client are rapidly becoming global across all platforms and being embedded in STBs and TVs etc. But Plex is far less configurable than MC and a lot of tweaking seems to be needed to XML files, and I'd hate to move to it.


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Re: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2012, 08:29:47 am »

Unless of course you have built a library on one machine

 :-[ I installed MC on each machine and manually imported my media on each machine. Now comes the problem because I have renamed a few folders and only taken the necessary steps on one machine to relocate the paths in MC - the other 2 complain they no longer exist.

By the sounds of it I don't need to do any of that faffing about! In that case, hell yeah to a NAS MC Server!


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2012, 08:32:39 am »

Welcome to the fold bro!  LOL


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2012, 10:31:43 am »

I would most deffinately purchase a MC server edition to run on my fedora file server tucked away in the attic.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #43 on: July 10, 2012, 06:34:53 am »

I've voted probably, as the only reason I would use it is if it would run on my NAS  (Thecus N5500) as a server.

The issue I see is that my server currently does all my TV recording as well, so to move that to a NAS will probably be close to impossible given the need for USB TV tuners.

I might add that the beta version of the next Synology NAs operating system has been announced.

Shockingly (!), it now has PVR software to be used in conjunction with a USB TV tuner.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #44 on: September 07, 2012, 05:36:42 pm »

I'd love to have a linux version of the server that ran on QNAP/Synology NASs.  Plexapp has done this and it works quite well.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #45 on: October 08, 2012, 03:15:41 am »

i'd love to get a server running on my Unraid. then again I'm not good with linux to compile the stuff myself.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #46 on: December 07, 2012, 03:16:23 pm »

I am currently running a dual boot with Windows XP SP3 and Linux Mint Debian Edition (which is a rolling Linux distro). A rolling distro constantly receives updates so should never require a re-install or upgrade as does Windows. Also it is a free "complete" operating system which is quite friendly to Windows users. I have tried, along with the staff at Crossover Linux, to install my ancient Media Jukebox 8.400 with some success. I would be absolutely thrilled to able to obtain a Media Jukebox or Media Centre if a Linux edition were made available.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #47 on: December 09, 2012, 09:14:21 am »

I missed this poll earlier. Have been a long term MC user and cannot see a need for a Linux version for our usage. Voted no.

I truly wonder how accurate this poll can be: Suspect that most Forum users didn't bother unless they had some kind of Linux interest.



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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #48 on: December 18, 2012, 05:19:12 pm »

To amplify my prior post: I would definitely purchase a MC for Linux. I am, as soon as the holidays are past, going to switch to Linus Mint Debian Edition and put my Media Jukebox and one other "Windows only" program into a VirtualBox.

I'm tired of having to purchase new Windows programs at a cost of $100+ per home and laptop computer and putting up with the necessity or running tune-up, clean-up, scandisk, anti-malware, and anti-virus programs and updates, not to mention running into purchasing a new Windows "lemon" edition as were Windows ME and 2000 and having to upgrade my hardware since Windows 7 will not run on my current computer while Linux Mint Debian is quite "happy" on even my oldest one with a 1.4 GHz Athlon chip and 1536mb of RAM.  And Linux Mint Debian Edition is a friendly to former Windows users, is a fully loaded and functional operating system, kept updated so you never need to get another edition, and is FREE!!! Their support forum is superb.

So, yes, I would definitely purchase a new Linux edition of Media Centre!!!


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC for Linux?
« Reply #49 on: December 18, 2012, 05:38:18 pm »

A very quick addendum.

I came very close to running Media Jukebox 8.400 on Linux using Crossover Linux. It would play, but some functions didn't work. If enough of you who would like to see MC run on Linux and would download the 14 day free trial and then ask the folks at Crossover Linux (from codeweavers) at, they probably would do it. Their queue for adapting Windows programs to run on Linux and Mac is relatively short (no more than 10 when i made my requests). I did a 14 day trial and they did find a way to make MovieOrganizer run properly on my Linux distro, but said that they "not all that surprised by the failures in Media Jukebox (we just don't put any effort into media players because there are so many native options)...",

I'll bet if they receive 50+ requests, they'd do it.

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