Since the suggestions offered made use of [Rating], this may seem contradictory, but I'll make this point anyway... If you're to make full use of MC, you're likely to be adding hundreds of 'tweaks' similar to this over time. If they're done by adding codes to existing fields intended for other uses, you'll find them difficult to maintain consistently and without error.
Tagging such files with one star is very convenient (e.g., if you've programmed a remote to set ratings, there's nothing more you need to do), but you may want to retain one star as a meaningful rating ('not very good, but not bad enough to hide'?). If that were the case, I would add a boolean field [Hide] with a single Acceptable Value of 'Hide'. That would have a single and clear purpose, and easy to maintain—it can only be set to 'Hide' or cleared, and in a maintenance view that does not exclude them, it's easy to spot the files for which it has been set.
I'm not suggesting a separate field should be added for all such purposes. You might want to use list-type [Attribute] and/or [Version] tags (also with specific Acceptable Values). If so, it may make sense to include 'Hide' in one of those. Having similar attributes in one list field makes it easier to use in Rules for file display or smartlists. In either, imagine selecting [Attributes], does not contain, and then checking whatever values you want to exclude (Hide, Poor Quality, Alternate, Remix, etc.).