I have a bunch of small videos taken with my photo cameras.
Before, I could play them on Windows or Picasa, but they were on MY Photos files.
Now I have them on NAS, but I can see them on Windows. However, the videos albums have on the right low side the MC symbol.
When I want to play them, MC opens up, but with a message that something went wrong and I can't play them anymore.
My preference is to have MC just for my music, but it "invaded" almost all the computer.
I still want to see my images on Windows viewer, what I could defining windows viewer as the program to view them, but the videos that are on the same folders than the images come, as I said before, with the MC symbol and don't play at all.
I know that there is sound with the videos but even this sound I wanted to ear it with the movies outside MC.
Please help.