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Author Topic: audio sync observations and general questions  (Read 3497 times)


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audio sync observations and general questions
« on: July 03, 2012, 03:28:02 pm »

i'm one of those people that is super sensitive to lips syncing perfectly to what i hear.

I've become so obsessive about it, that, even when engrossed in a new and interesting movie, i can still notice when things fall out of sync in the slightest.

I've tried every possible setting combination. The only setting that gives perfect sync is:
Bistreaming: none
VideoClock: On
Display Settings-> set 24p material to use 1920x1080x32x23. 23hz bolded because for the longest time i thought 24hz was the proper refresh rate for 24p material  :-X

Actually though, things still get out of sync with these settings. If i've started jriver fresh and start to play a movie things seem perfect. The moment i start jumping around in the movie and interface, starting/stopping movies, things go slightly out of sync. Very slightly, but i still notice it. The moment i suspect things are out of sync, i restart jriver and start playing at the same point -- sync becomes perfect again.

Any ideas? I monitor the audio path to see what videoclock is doing and even when it settles down to 1x it isn't perfect unless i restart jriver.

Also, two minor annoyances:
(1) when going back to jriver menu after playing 24p material, it doesn't go back to 60hz (menu navigating is not as smooth).
(2) With Red october standard, after seeking, i get rainbow artifacting until the scene changes. Usually scenes change every couple secs so it is not a huge deal, but kind of weird. Doesn't happen with RO HQ.

My setup:
core i3 2.93 ghz
2gb memory
windows 7 32bit
ati hd 5450 12.6 beta drivers

Panasonic ut50 plasma
Denon hdmi receiver



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Re: audio sync observations and general questions
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2012, 04:49:47 pm »

(1) when going back to jriver menu after playing 24p material, it doesn't go back to 60hz (menu navigating is not as smooth).
Have you set you Display Settings > Default setting correctly (60Hz)?

Maybe someone else can help with your other questions.

HTPC - Intel i5-760 CPU, Windows 7 64 bit, NVIDIA GTS450 Silent, RME 9632 with A04, BlackGold BGT3600; Video Processor - Lumagen Radiance XD Processor; Projector - ProjectionDesign Action Model 3 1080; Denon AVC-A1HD; 4 x Tannoy Berkley and Velodyne DD-10


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Re: audio sync observations and general questions
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2012, 01:28:30 am »

As you describe yourself as "obsessive" about lipsync, I gather you have more knowledge on the topic than most, but anyway: Did you consider that movies do not always have good lipsync? And that it may not be a technical flaw in your system, but just the fact that all those dialogs and stepping sounds, car crashes, doors shutting, and balls bouncing - they are put in there after the video was shot. Except when watching dogma movies by Lars von Trier and others like him, of course.

Not saying that there is no potential to improve JRiver sync performance, only that it may not always be possible.

Try syncing Taken bluray. That movie is either really bad dubbed or has a varying sync offset. Sometimes it looked like poor studio dubbing work, sometimes the other.


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Re: audio sync observations and general questions
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2013, 12:48:43 am »

I'm resurrecting this thread because I encounter this very issue. It's certainly out of sync because the video stays in perfect sync when played in another player, like WMP. Has this been addressed in version 18?
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