On previous Windows installations I moved the entire Users folder off of C: to D:. This moved the C:\Users\Ingemar\AppData\Roaming\J River as well. I did this because my SSD was too small. I upgraded the SSD to 256GB and I no longer use that registry hack to move the entire Users folder, I just relocate Documents, Videos, Music and Pictures to D:\Users.
I'm just now resyncing my Ipod 160GB and I noticed my C: drive has less and less free space. There is already 1GB of temp files and regardless if they dissapear once sync is done, I don't want them there. How can I move this folder to D:\Temp?
Also I've been meaning to ask for a while, can I relocate the J River Conversion Cache? It's in the Music folder between all the artists. I'd rather move that to E:\J River Conversion Cache.
