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Author Topic: Why I will Never...... Until  (Read 2407 times)


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Why I will Never...... Until
« on: July 14, 2012, 03:21:38 pm »

Itunes: No Matter What View I'm In If I switch Views it Automatically go to the Album That I was on in the other View. Ex. If I'm Artist view & switch to Cover it will go the album it was on in Cover.


Adding Art/Editing

Itunes: I edit edit any track/Album in any view

MC: Not (Can't edit in 3D view)

Track #

Itunes: Every one of my 12,300 albums have tracks as follows 1 of ? 2 of ? & so On

MC: NOT (That is why my tracks in MC are not always in correct track order) It really needs this feature I have albums that are incomplete & would be useful so I know which tracks are missing.

Shuffling Library:

Itunes: In Cover Flow or any View I can press play & it will start playing (Random selection) & will automatically advance next (Usually different Artist & Album)

MC: NOT (In 3D View if I press Play Message: There's  nothing to play. If I Do select a track to play it will only Shuffle the Album) It will shuffle library only if you entire library selected However it will not change to current playing cover art in 3D view)


Itunes: I have correct Genre for every album/Artist in my iTunes library as well as the files located on my external drive the files are located not Numbers.

MC: NOT (It only shows mostly Numbers) Their is no excuse for this one

Their is one thing that Itunes Has that unfortunately That MC does not Tuneup. MC really Needs a program Like TuneUp! 

Library Sorting (3D View) I call It the Wall of Art. (Because that's it's for Viewing) other wise it's useless

You can't sort Library/Art by album Tittle. It will sort by artist-Title This is of the biggest issues as far as sorting is concerned.

MC Does not display the number of albums I have like Itunes. This very easy to implement. I don't know why it does not already show info

This one of the biggest disappointments of MC



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Re: Why I will Never...... Until
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2012, 04:30:32 pm »

If you would just ask how to accomplish what you want you would get responses to lead you in the right direction.
Say iTunes this and iTunes that is not going to get you anywhere.
I could give a long list of things that MC can do that iTunes can't and they are far more significant.

I can't speculate on the 3D view because I don't use it but some of your comments are incorrect.
At a quick glance I can tell how many artists, albums, tracks, etc are in my library.
You can sort by virtually anything you want and you can definitely sort by album name.
Genre I have no clue what you are talking about. Numbers?

If you ask questions instead of just complaining myself and others will respond.


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Re: Why I will Never...... Until
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2012, 04:39:28 pm »

I Can assure it's not incorrect. a boat of fancy features don't make up for it's flaws.

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Re: Why I will Never...... Until
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2012, 04:41:21 pm »

If you ask questions instead of just complaining myself and others will respond.

Unless, of course, we've all switched to iTunes based on this insightful analysis. ;D


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Re: Why I will Never...... Until
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2012, 05:03:55 pm »

You can't sort Library/Art by album Tittle. It will sort by artist-Title This is of the biggest issues as far as sorting is concerned.

You could sort just about any way you can imagine.  Try clicking on "Album" at the top of any list, for example.

It would be nice if you would post two or three questions as simple questions in separate topics.  If you use a subject that describes what you want, you will get more help.


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Re: Why I will Never...... Until
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2012, 05:14:40 pm »

I Can assure it's not incorrect. a boat of fancy features don't make up for it's flaws.

With your lack of knowledge relative to MC isn't it possible that you are wrong, I am quite sure I know
better what can and can NOT be done since I have been using MC for several years/versions.

Once again just ask.

Proof of sort by album below.


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Re: Why I will Never...... Until
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2012, 06:00:05 pm »

I Was not talking about  Sorting in General. I was talking about sorting in 3D but I already new that was possible & know how to do it know. The others are correct. Your are picture is sorted in album view that is easy. I missed the Seq. for 3D I had added album a-z not seq a-z. just so you will know I already know Itunes can't do that MC can do. I can make a list too but the fancy features that cover up the flaws. Ex. Like clicking play in 3D view you don't use 3d so you would not know this. I did say that MC is better than Itunes I'm willing to give up Itunes for bunch of fancy features. The little things that I mentioned MC should already be capable of  Like playing something random regardless of view. Go ahead if a playing stop go into 3d view & click play Message Warning "There is nothing to play"


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Re: Why I will Never...... Until
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2012, 06:44:42 pm »

Musicman 150000,

I don't think the purpose of your posts is clear but I believe it to be one of the the following:

1. You would like some help using MC17.

2. You would like to see MC add some new features.

3. You just want to complain.

It would be helpful to others on the Forum to better know which of the 3  is your reason for posting here.

If it's #1 I would suggest that you phrase a few questions and without belittling MC17. Done in that manner you will probably get lots of help from some very experienced users. You also might learn a lot in the process.

If it's #2 then I suggest you take a few items and list them as 'Feature Requests'.

If it's #3, well you probably wont find many people wanting to participate in the thread.

I have been using MC for a few years now. I find it to be far the most feature rich and professionally done Media Software available. The help available on this forum is incredible. Another huge plus for me is the continual updating and improvement that is done to the program. And once in awhile when I present the need for a feature in a clear, polite manner that shows how it may be beneficial to many others, it even gets implemented. Not always, but sometimes. I have always found it beneficial when I work with the 'system' here in a positive manner.



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Re: Why I will Never...... Until
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2012, 06:19:19 am »

I removed a couple of posts.  Musicman has a problem.  Let's see if we can help.

Musicman, please choose one of the problems and provide more details.


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Re: Why I will Never...... Until
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2012, 11:40:41 am »

Without wanting to be rude, are you familiar with the word TROL?
Because if you are not, you play that role quite well.
You are not carrying anything to the Forum, just making trouble.
As many people know by now, I post photos in DPReview. There, with your post, you could easily be banned.
Some of our best people are trying to help, asking you the correct and civilized way.


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Re: Why I will Never...... Until
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2012, 03:45:21 pm »

Track #

Itunes: Every one of my 12,300 albums have tracks as follows 1 of ? 2 of ? & so On

MC: NOT (That is why my tracks in MC are not always in correct track order) It really needs this feature I have albums that are incomplete & would be useful so I know which tracks are missing.



Itunes: I have correct Genre for every album/Artist in my iTunes library as well as the files located on my external drive the files are located not Numbers.

MC: NOT (It only shows mostly Numbers) Their is no excuse for this one


Their is one thing that Itunes Has that unfortunately That MC does not Tuneup. MC really Needs a program Like TuneUp!  

A couple of questions/comments on the above.
Track numbers:  Is your issue that MC does not display the ' of yy'?  MC and iTunes have identical behavior for me when it comes to track number except iTunes adds the ' of yy' at the end of the field, where 'yy' = the highest track number that you have for that album (not the highest track number that may actually be on that album).  I have albums that contain 15 tracks for example, but I only care for and have purchased 2 of them (say 5 and 7) - in this example my iTunes library shows me that I have '5 of 7' and '7 of 7' which is incorrect.  There is a field in MC that identifies if you have a 'complete' album or not, but it works in much the same way.  In my example above, MC would only be aware of the first 7 tracks - much like iTunes does.

Genre:  Really not sure what your complaint is here other than maybe your tag data is messed up.  Genres have always worked perfectly fine for me in MC and iTunes both.  MC is actually better in that it lets you store multiple values in this field for tracks that fall in to multiple Genres.

TuneUp:  This is a third party program, not part of iTunes.  Similar plugins have been written for MC in the past, but usually end up getting killed off due to the draconian copyright issues surrounding them.  If you know of someone with the expertise and desire to build one, it can be done.

It would help to know exactly how you are using the two programs and how you originally digitized your library (or where you purchased the digital files from).  Your mention of garbage values and the use of TuneUp makes me think that you have stumbled in to one of the worst things about iTunes - it does not store the tag info in the file itself, it only stores it in the library.  If you started with a bunch of tracks with garbage in their tags and then used TuneUp to sort it all out, the only place you have 'fixed' the data is in your iTunes library.  MC is reading the values directly from the file tags (like most other programs do), but these still contain garbage since iTunes does not update them.
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