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Author Topic: Media Server: Client don't see entire library  (Read 1005 times)


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Media Server: Client don't see entire library
« on: April 27, 2002, 03:08:44 pm »

I don't understand why, but I only see a few of my library on the MJ8 client.
Here is the picture:
My server, with a fix IP on my LAN, is running Media Server.
From my laptop, I connect to the server.
That works well (slowly but well).
Then the client downlads the library (cool, with all view schemes !)
But when I try to open it, I see just a few files.
I saw no option to tell that I should not use the entire library, and it's using the default one, containing thousands of files...
Any idea ?
Yann L<br>________________________<br><br>Dans la vie, il faut faire comme le canard;<br>Etre calme en surface et pédaler comme un fou en profondeur (


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RE:Media Server: Client don't see entire library
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2002, 07:12:20 pm »

Some files cannot be streamed like asf or the movie files. Those files will not be shown on MJ.



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RE:Media Server: Client don't see entire library
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2002, 04:27:33 am »

Nope. The files I can't see are WM8 and MP3s.
Yann L<br>________________________<br><br>Dans la vie, il faut faire comme le canard;<br>Etre calme en surface et pédaler comme un fou en profondeur (


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RE:Media Server: Client don't see entire library
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2002, 08:34:24 pm »

was there any responses or fixes to this..
i just tried setting up MJ8 on the "other" rid of the 3rd computer that
stored on the files to it...big pia..
now all the files are on my computer with
"other" computer accessing my computer thru
Media Server...looks like 1/2 the files are

question #2
when going to Media Server - Connect you get the dialog box
Connect to Media Server
Enter Server Name or IP address
describe server name for <--retard(me)
and also why does a password box pop up when trying a server name
i can get it to work with an ip address but with road runner i think that changes
and also it asks for a "domain" (no clue)

appreciate the help
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