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Author Topic: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC  (Read 2491 times)


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Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« on: July 26, 2012, 06:07:58 am »


I could need a little help.
I have a NAS running with all my audio files and I would like to install a new SSD on my HTPC. On this SSD will be a copy of my Hi-res files (for better performance).
So the Hi-res files are on the NAS AND on the HTPC. When I use the HTPC I would like to see the Hi-res files from the SSD and the others from the NAS (without the Hi-res files).
Is there an easy way to do this in JRiver?

Thanks for help!


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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2012, 07:10:07 am »

several ways...

you could make two libraries or i would use the autoimport function and make one import the local folder and a second importing the nas folder. on the first one you restrict your import with formats or other differentiator like bitrate. so it would import only high res files from the ssd.
unless the 3-4seconds buffering at the very first track playback bothers you a performing nas and giga wired ethernet will be as good as the local ssd. the local ssd will clearly make the first track playback quasi immediate but that's the only real benefit....

Vincent Kars

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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2012, 07:34:45 am »

The library tool has an option to rename e.g. from \\NAS\Music to \\SSD:\MUSIC


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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2012, 05:37:19 pm »

Thanks for the inputs.

@Vincent Kars: I don't want to rename but keep both folders - the folder with Hi-res on the nas and on the ssd

@eddyshere: two libraries would be fine, but it doesn't really work, because every new library has the same settings like the older one. I could not manage to set one library to the nas and the other (like "lokal") to the ssd. Perhaps I miss something...

But thanks anyway.



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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2012, 06:01:38 pm »

I'm not in front of MC right now so it's maybe approx but you should be able to see the idea (and that's only one possibility)

1. in library auto-import select your nas folder. notice in the auto-import screen how you can set advanced filtering / make specific tagging. the main idea is to import all your files from the NAS either in filtering out the high bitrate ones (or maybe your hi-res files have another "differentiator" you could use like flac vs mp3 etc....) or depending on how you organized your files if all your hi res are in a distinct folder on the NAS just leave that one out
2. then in the same auto-import screen you add a second location (the high-res folder on your ssd) or if your files are stored mixed in one folder again you create an import rule based on a differentiator.

In doing so when you import into your library you will always have all non high-res files coming from to the ones on the NAS and the high-res files coming from the ones on your ssd.

Vincent Kars

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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2012, 03:00:31 am »

Another possibility:
In JRiver select the higres on the NAS and delete them. Use “delete from library only”
JRiver will remember this and exclude these file from displaying.
Use Import to add the local files to the library


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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2012, 04:29:44 am »


both ways do not really work, because I also want access to the Hi-res files on my other PCs. Remember: the files (and the library) are on the nas.

Thanks for your inputs, anyway



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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2012, 05:30:22 am »

PS : you wrote : "two libraries would be fine, but it doesn't really work, because every new library has the same settings like the older one. I could not manage to set one library to the nas and the other (like "lokal") to the ssd. Perhaps I miss something..."

Just considering your htpc you have two options

A. One library with two import streams :
On the HTPC:
1. File>Library>Import>configure auto-import>add-folders (point to the NAS folders)
2. again press add-folders (point this to the hi res on local SSD)

B. Two libraries setup
1. File>Library>Import>configure auto-import>add-folders (point to the NAS folders)
2. File>Library>Library Manager>Add Library>Local Library
3 Then right hand side under now playing you will see your both library listed : select the one you created under 2 then again
4 File>Library>Import>configure auto-import>add-folders (point to local SSD)

---> in doing so you'll have your htpc reading files from NAS AND from SSD


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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2012, 05:58:01 am »

Hi eddyshere,

that is exactly my setup and my intention. There is only one library - on the nas. I have MC installed on each PC and mapped a network drive to have access to the nas. So I only use the nas as a network drive, not as a server.
On my win based machines I installed MC and use the network location for the audio files and the library.
P.S. Please excuse my English...



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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2012, 06:09:28 am »

what language do you speak ? I changed my post whilst you were posting. Let's maybe start with these solutions of 1/2 local libraries setup...
You have a missunderstanding re libraries. A library in MC terms is a way to display / organize files .. you can have several of it. You talk about your media library (that's the location where your files are stored)


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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2012, 06:30:01 am »

I am from Austria - so I speak German.

Referring to the one library setup: because the Hi-res files are stored on the nas also, wouldn't I import them two times - one from the nas and a second time from the ssd? Remember: the files should stay on the nas also.

I try the two libraries setup and let you know how it works.



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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2012, 06:57:41 am »

No this will work. Let me explain what library means for MC I do it exceptionally here in German as some english term like auto-import can be misleading: Du vermischt einige Sachen. MC versteht unter dem Begriff Library eine Sammlung die unter verscheidenen Formen angesehen werden kann (ctrl+1 / ctrl+2 / ctrl+3 / ctrl +4), du jedoch verstehst unter Library deine Musik-sammlung (dort wo die Files sind).
Beachte : Du kannst eine Library erstellen und dann mit Auto-import deine Files verknüpfen (physisch bleiben die Files aber dort wo sie sind) also es ist kein wirklicher import. Spiel mit der Library rum (s. meine Anweisungen auf dem vorletzten Post). Sobald du das Konzept begriffen hast wird es ganz einfach. Du kannst separate libraries machen und jede Library kann seine Files dort holen gehen wo du es willst....also es ist alles möglich.

zu deiner frage habe ich dann die high-res nicht zweimal...nicht wenn du als weg (punkt B2 in meinem post) die folders auf dem nas der nicht high-res files eingibst. es kommt auf deine struktur an. entweder machst du ein separates verzeichnis mit den nicht high-res auf deinem nas und verweist auf das. falls alle deine high-res mit den anderen im gleichen verzeichnis sind wird es schwieriger. in dem fall musst du auf das gesammte verzeichnis zielen und vor dem import eine regel machen (wie in einen ersten posts beschrieben)

Um dann nicht auf jedem Rechner die Uebung machen zu müssen wirst du irgendeinmal einen always on server/pc (leider läuft MC nicht auf einem Linux NAS (ie synology etc...) einrichten auf dem MC läuft. Dort machst du dann auch deine MC Haupt-Library (die auch die musik folders von überall in deinem Netzwerk liest)....und die pc's haben dann keine eigene library mehr aber lesen die Haupt-library als remote library...aber das ist eine andere Geschichte.

Hope It's clearer what the Library-concept is under MC.



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Re: Hi-res files on NAS and copy on PC
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2012, 08:57:49 am »

Ok, nun wird vieles klarer!
Werde mal damit rumspielen.

Vielen Dank nochmal für deine endlose Geduld!

Liebe Grüße,
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