You closed my last thread that I entitled sharing so I couldn't post this reply.
Fair enough if you dont want to provide any facility to share music because it is such a controversal topic right now and could be dodgy legally.
How about my idea though of sharing Playlists and radio stations.
Playlists would simply contain good lists of songs that are out right now, preferably viewable via your web plugin so that my friends in america could inform me what the latest good tracks are as they take ages to come out in england. That's perfectly legal with no implications and I'd imagine they would welcome it as it's simply helping to promote music.
Also sharing of radio stations is perfectly legal too.
Oh yeah, and slightly off the topic, are you going to allow the web plugin to be customised at all so I could for instance make the pages so that they match the design I use on my website so it blended in nicely. Also allow for enqueing of songs as well as direct playing as I sometimes get my friends to choose songs for me to listen to when I cant think of what to listen to and it's a pain cause they can only play one song at a time. They cant add them to a que or anything.
Just idea's that'd be nice.