I hadn't responded till now because I've been trying every possible option (including your suggestion Matt, without success). Today, however, I finally found a pseudo solution.
My setup:
AMD Zacate (E350 low power cpu/apu)
4GB ddr3 ram
Windows 2008 R2
Playback device: Realtek Optical
1. I upgraded to MC 16.0.136 same problem.
2. I was using RO Standard, bitstreaming=none
3. I tried your suggestion WASAPI - Event Style with 25 ms of buffering with no success, but it got me going in a good direction.
My currently acceptable settings (I can now watch my LOTR Blu-rays):
1. Audo: Direct Sound > Device:Optical > Hardware Direct > Buffering .15 seconds. Prebuffering 20 seconds, silence at startup 10 seconds.
2. Video: Red October Standard, Bitstreaming Yes S/PDIF, Videoclock NO, A/V sync correction 0 ms
This is now allowing me to watch my blu-rays, in sync but is not ideal because when I start playback initially, the audio is still about 3 seconds ahead of the video. I must skip forward and back several times before the stars align and sync occurs. Still, at least sync occurs, which is better than previously when I first posted.
Do you have any further suggestions that might remove the need for several back and forward skips for the sync to work?
Thanks for your help, btw, with every new release MC just gets better.