I have a unusual setup with a network split between two locations connected by a VPN between them. I keep my Media Center server on one side of the network and wanted to be able to play music using my logitech squeezebox devices on the other.
I use White Bear to serve DLNA to my squeezebox devices on the side of the network with MC (Let's call it Location 1) and wanted to listen to music using DLNA on the other side (Location 2). As it turns out my VPN won't support DLNA/UPnP transmissions across it so I was stuck.....
I then got the idea of "broadcasting" from MC so I could connect to a stream URL on my location 2 logitech devices and controlling MC with Gizmo or a similar program from my Ipad. There were some people on this board who had done something like this a few years ago and I wanted to try it myself. It seemed like and interesting problem and after a little bit of fiddling I got it to work with a slightly different configuration. This solution could of course be used to broadcast publicly if you were so inclined.
1)Install Virtual Audio Cable ($25) (this emulates a sound card that you can direct MC sound to)
2) Install EdCast by Oddsock (free) (This sends the output from the sound "card" to IceCast2
3) Install IceCast2 V2(Free) (This does the actual broadcast)
4)Set Virtual Audio Cable for 2 channel, 32bit 96000 (or choose your own common bitrate to use)
5)Start Edcast running as administrator,
*Select Virtual Audio Cable as your sound input device
*Add an Encoder setting the sample rate to 96000, Server to icecast2, set the password.
*Click the YP menu and uncheck public server
*Close the encoder window by clicking OK
*Check autoConnet and Start In Tray
* Right click the encoder and select connect (it will fail to connect as you havent configured Icecast but it will try and
reconnect every 10 seconds so it will be ready when you are)
6) Start IceCast2 running as Administrator
* Edit the configuration to use the source password you selected for EdCast.
* start the icecast2 server
7) Start Media Center
* Add a zone (I called mine "stream")
* configure audio output: Outputmode Direct Sound (others may work too)
* Set output mode settings to be the Line 1 of the VAC (Virtual Audio Card)
* configure DSP to always output 96000 and 32 bit.

Play something to the new zone
9) Connect to the server "
http://my.server.ip.address:8000/stream.ogg10) Listen
It seems to work pretty well and it's running on Windows 7 64 bit hosted on a VMware Virtual server so it's pretty much out of the way and so far it's been stable.