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Author Topic: EQ set up help  (Read 7970 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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EQ set up help
« on: August 26, 2012, 07:21:26 pm »

My speakers are too bright, its a known fact with the manufacturer recommending using a coil and resister to tame the treble. Would like to know if possible to do this in MC17 accurately without just by bringing all the treble down.

Speakers are: SEAS - FA22RCZ

They have a pdf appnote about the required levels:

Could anyone help me to make the correct adjustments in the EQ settings please ?

Many thanks  ;)



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Re: EQ set up help
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2012, 01:11:09 pm »


- I wasn't able to get ( MC-17's ) stock parametric EQ section to give the ( "guesstimated" )  response curve that I think you need (  seen here in my first attachment ) .
- The "slope" seen is gentler than what MC-17 can achieve .
- MC's stock Hi-Shelf filter won't work because it's "Q" window seems to simply toggle between "on or off" ( regardless of the value of any number entered greater  than "0" ) .

- If you download  and use ( the free VST plugin ) called  MEqualizer I believe you'll have better luck doing what you need to do.
- Be aware this single free plugin is part off a large suite of plugins ( that'll you'll need to trash if they don't interest you ) .

- You can start by using my settings, ( as seen in my second attachment ) and adjust from there .



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: EQ set up help
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2012, 10:16:06 am »

Thanks Earl  :D

Have installed it and wondering how on earth you got the High Shelf set up  ?


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Re: EQ set up help
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2012, 11:29:40 am »


Right-Click on any visible filter band ( there are 6 in total ) /seen within the main trace window .  ( The filters are represented by round dots with numbers inside the circles )   .  They may be stacked one over the other upon first using the plugin ( if so, it's "best practice" to unstack them for future ease of access )  .

( Right-Clicking on any of those filter-numbers brings up a dialogue box ( called Band "N" Settings )where you then enter the values seen within my second picture / far right side ) .



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Re: EQ set up help
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2012, 03:22:56 pm »

Are you using the suggested box dimensions (60L sealed) in the linked application note? If not, then your frequency response will vary depending on volume and baffle width.

If you are using the suggested box dimensions then do you toe in your speakers toward the listening position? If you don't and are listening off axis then the treble drops off quite a bit and any further large EQ shift is unnecessary.

Here are 6 filters that will give you +/- 2dB if you use the suggested box dimensions and the Parametric Equalizer in JRiver and selecting Adjust a Frequency (Equalizer Filter). I don't feel that a shelving filter has enough accuracy for the wide range of EQ needed.



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Re: EQ set up help
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2012, 03:30:16 pm »

Here are what the filters would look like entered into JRiver:



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Re: EQ set up help
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2012, 05:31:27 pm »


What is the program you use on the first screenshot? I would like a way to visualize my parametric EQ settings on a graph.

Thanks for your time!


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: EQ set up help
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2012, 03:02:49 pm »

Thanks Mojave.

Yes they are the recommended 60L sealed cab per cone. Got back firing ones on the back so 120L per side total volume. I went for the widest practical width which also helps with a bipolar set up. Have them positioned so can just see the near side cabinet walls.
Are you using the suggested box dimensions (60L sealed) in the linked application note? If not, then your frequency response will vary depending on volume and baffle width.

If you are using the suggested box dimensions then do you toe in your speakers toward the listening position? If you don't and are listening off axis then the treble drops off quite a bit and any further large EQ shift is unnecessary.

Will try your filter settings tomorrow eve, just got in and I'm too whacked out :(

Here are 6 filters that will give you +/- 2dB if you use the suggested box dimensions and the Parametric Equalizer in JRiver and selecting Adjust a Frequency (Equalizer Filter). I don't feel that a shelving filter has enough accuracy for the wide range of EQ needed.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: EQ set up help
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2012, 03:08:12 pm »

Hello, yes did manage to replicate your advised settings, thanks. On listening too much of the top end had been removed. Played around with the settings and the Q value but failed to settle on any one setting. Thought I had it sussed, then changed music and it was back to fiddling again :( Interesting pluggin and thanks for showing us.


Right-Click on any visible filter band ( there are 6 in total ) /seen within the main trace window .  ( The filters are represented by round dots with numbers inside the circles )   .  They may be stacked one over the other upon first using the plugin ( if so, it's "best practice" to unstack them for future ease of access )  .

( Right-Clicking on any of those filter-numbers brings up a dialogue box ( called Band "N" Settings )where you then enter the values seen within my second picture / far right side ) .

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