Found another use of variables that I thought others might find useful, which extends the isplaying() expression to allow you to record and highlight the album currently playing.
First, create variables showing the current playing Artist and Album...
Create a new Playlist (I call mine 'Var: Album Playing Now')
and import the following string:
[=isplaying()]=1 [=save([artist],var_artistplayingnow)1]=1 [=save([album],var_albumplayingnow)1]=1
This will create two variables (var_artistplayingnow and var_albumplayingnow) based on the currently playing track.
Next, create a user field: IsPlayingNowAlbum as a calculated field:
This can be called in any smartlist/view and will return a 1 for the currently playing album.
Finally, in the view you want to use a highlight, create an expression column at the front of the view:
Note: YOU MUST call the playlist above that assigns the variable in any such view (and will need to refresh it to get an update), just add:
Playlists Is Any 'Var: Album Playing Now' to your view
And there you go, you can now highlight the currently playing album using the power of variables and the isplaying() expression.