Although you did not vote, I can feel that your are really concerned by the present political situation over here. I agree with most of what you said but I don't have both your outside view on what's
going on here and your "eloquence" in expressing my own feelings. I have never been good in putting what I think in words.
When I woke up this morning I had a mixed feeling.
I felt both ashamed of what's going on and worried, not for me but for The folks I Love,
For the people who love France, for my Friends, my family for my Wife and Kids.
But then I don't know, I feel angry that a lot of people did not vote yesterday
because they thought the game had been played already. (not for you Zev
The press, TV & radio emphasized on the Chirac/Jospin "Duel" for the second turn and they
are probably responsible in part.
Also too many candidates took part (16) with a lot of different candidates for the left wing
and, of course,the "lassitude" of five years of right/left cohabitation.
But maybe the main reasons, as you said, is not France but the french people !
In this country the beautiful is next to the ugly, the brightness next to the dullness
and "le génial cotoie la connerie".
So many reasons.
I know (or should I say I hope) this result does not reflect the true feeling of
most people over here.
This is not much compared to your deep analysis on the french society but it's the way
I feel right now (also expressing feelings in english is a bit difficult)
Zevele thanks for starting the discussion and thanks Jim for letting it go.
A propos, ton français n'est pas mal
Now, what's that Free Unlimited energy stuff ??