I maintain two copies of my music files, and I regularly use the rsync command between my reference music folder and my other copy (which I use with JRiver), in order to have two identical copies, and recently I noticed several differences ? :
Some Folder.jpg files had been modified in the folder I use with JRiver.
(I don't embed cover arts in the Flac files, and use instead Folder.jpg files in the same folder as the albums.)
It seems that JRiver decided by himself to replace certain of my Folder.jpg files
Sometimes the cover art it found is better than the one I used, and sometimes it's worse, but anyway, I certainly don't want JRiver to do that in the background, without me knowing it
Certain Flac files had new tags that did not exist in the reference version.
It seems that the new tags were only "TOOL NAME" (with value "Media Center") and TOOL VERSION (with value "17.0.186").
Again, I don't want JRiver to put those tags in my Flac files without me knowing it
What is very strange is that these changes were applied to just a few of my music files, and it had apparently no relation with the music I had played ?.
So anyway, can somebody explain this strange behaviour of JRiver, and how to avoid it ?