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Author Topic: Just tried Wav vs Flac. Wav better imo. Tag question RE: converting Flac to Wav.  (Read 54525 times)


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Unfortunately I have a lot of 24/96 music which I cant do without. Ah well, maybe there will be a solution to 24bit slowing down at some point.

I also have a lot of 24/xxx files.

An alternative solution I'm experimenting with is Asset UPnP Server. It can do on-the-fly decompression of FLACs (and others) and you can "mount" it from within Media Center and there is a free feature-limited version. It works without a hitch with no slow downs.

It has a lot nice feature and one I found very useful is the ability to resample the files based on the client it is streaming to. So I can send my hires files to MC untouched while resampling them on-the-fly when sending them to my iPad. Very cool.

To be used as a library server (non-native) for Media Center the free version is enough, but if you plan to use it regularly I'd recommend buying it to support development.


  • Galactic Citizen
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You're not the only one who hears WAV sounds better than FLAC. I hear that WAV sounds little better on my PC too, from same harddrive. My pc/software/hardware ain't broke. Been in the computer audio game for 10 years now, and still hear it. If I didn't, I'd save myself the hard drive space and FLAC my 4000+ album library.
Windows 10 | Sony 55W805C TV | Metrum Acoustics Musette DAC | Luxman L-550AX | PMC Twenty.23


  • World Citizen
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Had you any issues with tagging Blaine?


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 128

I also have a lot of 24/xxx files.

An alternative solution I'm experimenting with is Asset UPnP Server. It can do on-the-fly decompression of FLACs (and others) and you can "mount" it from within Media Center and there is a free feature-limited version. It works without a hitch with no slow downs.

It has a lot nice feature and one I found very useful is the ability to resample the files based on the client it is streaming to. So I can send my hires files to MC untouched while resampling them on-the-fly when sending them to my iPad. Very cool.

To be used as a library server (non-native) for Media Center the free version is enough, but if you plan to use it regularly I'd recommend buying it to support development.

Thanks, that'll be worth playing around with.
If software is good and I use it I'd support it.
So its all of JRiver functionality, but files sent uncompressed by this dnla software, rather than JRiver internally?

I ask as the paid version has things like Internet Radio, which I use already through MC18.

Interesting discussion (if your that way inclined :)) over on the Linn DS Forum



  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 472

Had you any issues with tagging Blaine?

JRiver and dBPoweramp do an excellent job at tagging. no problems.
Windows 10 | Sony 55W805C TV | Metrum Acoustics Musette DAC | Luxman L-550AX | PMC Twenty.23


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 128

@ Desa

Had a try at setting up Asset UpNp to get it to talk to JRiver..
cant get it to work, can you advise how to?



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Had a try at setting up Asset UpNp to get it to talk to JRiver..
cant get it to work, can you advise how to?

Try this:
1) Install Asset in the server PC
2) Open Programs->Asset UPnp->Asset UPnp Configuration
3) Check Asset Running Mode: Local Account
4) Click on Edit button to the right of "Advanced Settings" label
5) Click on "Add Folder" in the "Audio Library" box and add your audio files location
6) In Audio Format Streaming box go down until you see the line "FLAC    as is"
7) Click on "as is" and change it to "as WAV"
8 ) Click on "OK" to close "Asset UPnP Configuration: Advanced Settings" window
9) In main "Asset UPnP Configuration", the line "Status: Library Contains xxxx Tracks, yyyy Albums" should include the correct count for your library number of tracks/albums. It takes a while, so wait until it finishes.
10) Server configuration should be OK now. If your client computer is Windows 7, you can check server configuration opening client's Windows Explorer and clicking on the Network icon. Under Media Devices you should find an icon labeled "Asset UPnP: server_name", where server_name is the name of your server. If you see it, the Asset UPnP configuration is (nearly) correct.
11) Open MC on client PC
12) In Tools->Options->Media Network check "Use Media Network to share this library and enable DLNA"
13) In the same page Click on "Advanced" and check that you have DLNA Controller enabled. DLNA Server and Renderer are not needed, but they won't hurt if enabled. Click OK.
14) In the left pane click on "Playing Now" and then on "Playing from ....". You should see an "Asset UPnP: server_name" under "Playing from ....". If you don't wait a bit, it should appear in less than 30 seconds. When you see it, click it.
15) Click "Load Library" button in MC main frame, on the right. Let it load the library, it takes 20/30 seconds.
16) Click on "Audio" and you should see all your library.
17) If you select one of your tracks, the filename should have the form: http://a.b.c.d:ppp/content/c2/b16/f44100/dnnnnn-co1.forced.wav

This would mean that you see your library and that Asset is converting it to wav as instructed.

Please note that choosing "Local Account" in point 3, means that Asset is started only when you log in. If you want Asset to start at boot, you need to run it as a service, but I advise you to first get it working with the, simpler, Local Account configuration and then configure it for service mode.

Try and let me know.



  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 128

Thanks very much for this.


  • World Citizen
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Have it working as a Local Account.  :)
great, thanks.
No need to convert Flac to Wav and I'm happy to say even 24/192 files are just as quick to play as before.

Tried running it as a service and it did not find any music files, despite pointing it to the same directory?

Ah well, happy with what I have for now.
thanks again, owe you a beer!


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Have it working as a Local Account.  :)
great, thanks.
No need to convert Flac to Wav and I'm happy to say even 24/192 files are just as quick to play as before.

Tried running it as a service and it did not find any music files, despite pointing it to the same directory?

Ah well, happy with what I have for now.
thanks again, owe you a beer!

I'm glad I could help.

Enjoy your music :-)


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 128

enjoying it..24/96 flac played as Wav sounds very good. :)

one thing though, more a general JRiver library question I guess?
I notice playing from Asset I dont have my playlists or views the way I had them set up before..

I understand its two different libraries, but is there any way to transfer playlists, views etc so that the Asset library is the same as I had it before?

I looked in to Library Sync, but not sure its the same thing as I'm looking for.



  • Citizen of the Universe
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I understand its two different libraries, but is there any way to transfer playlists, views etc so that the Asset library is the same as I had it before? I looked in to Library Sync, but not sure its the same thing as I'm looking for.

This is well beyond "libraries"'s two completely different apps...neither of which have anything to do with each other. Your MC playlists etc are central and exclusive to Media Center only. Asset is simply another DNLA renderer that is offering up a different conduit for MC to access your physical files (song collection)...Asset is in no way offering a different view of your MC library.




  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 128


I tried dragging in playlist files from windows explorer whilst playing from Asset library.

Playlists work, but play back as Flac.
Yet if I drag the same files in from Audio tree WITHIN Asset Library..the files are stored in playlist as Wav.

Guess its to do with the File location (whether the long http:\ name or the local filesystem name that determines this?

couple of tests:
restart media server - Wav playlist stored.
Switch to local Library then back to Asset - Wav playlist stored.
so no worries there.

If only there was a way to convert local filesystem names to their http networkname equivalent, would save having to recreate playlists except in "wav" format!

Still, this is MUCH less work than manually converting each Flac album to Wav.

Coming from a Squeezebox background, this software astounds me.
Lifetime supporter here guys.

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