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Author Topic: Very subtle issue with Room Correction  (Read 1203 times)


  • MC Beta Team
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Very subtle issue with Room Correction
« on: November 03, 2012, 10:49:46 am »

I've got a very subtle but audible issue with Room Correction.

Purely with music, 2.1. Left & Right are at 10ft, Sub at 15ft. Right channel has +1.5dB. Crossover at 40Hz with move to sub.

I notice it with quiet music, preferably female vocal; Abra Moore, Jennifer Warnes, Holly Cole or Cassandra Wilson. When the music is busy like rock music, I can't hear it. Probably still there but it gets lost.

What I hear is that the entire soundstage momentarily holds back a tiny little bit, its like it just got a little bit quieter at those moments; it varies and its best heard in the vocals. I had PQ and other things disabled for this test even though they do nothing with the front channels (but just to be sure its not interfering somehow).

I did the poor mans' test, sat on the couch with the touchpad and mousepointer over the enable/disable checkmark. With my eyes closed I clicked it a random number of times (it doesn't always switch if you click too fast) and started switching with my eyes still closed and spotted it each time when I thought it was enabled I looked.

I guess its logical I could spot it being enabled, it obviously does something. Thing is, it doesn't sound right, like its randomly holding back (mostly) vocals, as if they get softer momentarily. It's very subtle, short moments and yes, its very hard to put into to words.

I just hope someone recognizes it and may have an idea what it could be or if I have something wrong in my settings.
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