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Author Topic: Options->theatre view->advanced options->file caption (Issue)  (Read 3183 times)


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Options->theatre view->advanced options->file caption (Issue)
« on: November 10, 2012, 04:01:17 am »

Hi Guys

This is my first post so please be gentle.

In MC17 and early MC18 builds i was using a custom file caption query to change what displayed as the media text under the icon and also to change the entire text another colour when it was an item that was marked as watched.  This worked really well for us and i noticed that in the last couple of builds the file caption setting has disappeared from the configuration interface and a tick is now appended to watched icons.

How can i replicate my previous setup in MC18?

Is the "File Caption" setting being missing deliberate or a bug?

For Completeness my file caption query was:

If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], TV Show), If(IsEqual([Last Played], never played),[Series] /(Sif(isequal([Season],9,4),0[Season],[Season])Eif(isequal([episode],9,4),0[Episode],[Episode])/),<font color="CCFF00"> [Series] /(Sif(isequal([Season],9,4),0[Season],[Season])Eif(isequal([episode],9,4),0[Episode],[Episode])/)<//font>), [Name])

Thanks in advance



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Re: Options->theatre view->advanced options->file caption (Issue)
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 10:18:46 am »

The file caption setting has been moved (and improved)

Go to Options>Theater View>"Customize file info panel..." under Appearance.

In the drop down menu select the media type you would like to change the caption setting for. In your case I assume TV Show. Then press the "Manage..." button and select "Edit template...".
Here you can enter captions for when a list item is not selected using "Regular" and when it is selected using "Expanded"

Hope this helps you :-)
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