I have been using MC expressions to edit tags. I have a lot of classical music, and I expect to do a
lot of this.
The expressions are quite useful. One thing, though, is a
persistent irritation. Expressions in this context take effect
without an affirmative actions by the user; i.e., without hitting <Enter>.
- If I have an expression partly written and then I switch to another window to consult the documentation, the partial expression is executed, resulting in an error.
- If another program grabs focus while I'm entering an expression, the partial expression is executed, resulting in an error.
In either case, not only do wrong values result (thank goodness for Ctrl-Z), but I have to
re-write and re-enter the entire expression, because what I started to enter is lost. There doesn't seem to be any way to recall and edit previously entered expressions.
This seems SO wrong. Am I missing something? It would be great to revise the way this works, and require a carriage return before changing values.