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Author Topic: Program Guide - 2 different channel lineups  (Read 1180 times)


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Program Guide - 2 different channel lineups
« on: November 16, 2012, 12:11:59 am »

If I have two different TV capture devices connected to my PC - one for OTA digital signal from roof antenna and one from Comcast cable box controlled by IR blaster for premium cable channels, they have different channel lineups. If I want to Download the EPG automatically, is it capable of downloading the channel guides from two different providers?

Is the recording software smart enough to know which tuner to use when I schedule a recording?



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Re: Program Guide - 2 different channel lineups
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2012, 01:38:15 am »

Is the recording software smart enough to know which tuner to use when I schedule a recording?

The software doesn't need to be smart because you will have chosen the channel which is explicitly tied to the tuner type.

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Sandy B Ridge

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Re: Program Guide - 2 different channel lineups
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2012, 03:47:22 am »

If I have two different TV capture devices connected to my PC - one for OTA digital signal from roof antenna and one from Comcast cable box controlled by IR blaster for premium cable channels, they have different channel lineups. If I want to Download the EPG automatically, is it capable of downloading the channel guides from two different providers?

Is the recording software smart enough to know which tuner to use when I schedule a recording?

hi aussie1

I have a sort of similar setup in that I have both a DVB-T (for OTA antenna 'Freeview') and DVB-S (for satellite 'Freesat') capable tuner card in the UK.

I use a program called EPG collector to sort out the EPG data for me. It can collect the EPG data from various sources and collate it all into a single xmltv file. I have set it up to scan the DVB-T and DVB-S OTA EPG data. You can set it to run on a schedule with the windows scheduler say at 4am or whatever time the tuners are likely to be idle (although I haven't quite got around to doing this yet). An alternative would be to let MCs scheduler do it by putting the location of the exe in the 'Program guide' setup and MC would run it when it needed to. Personally I'd probably prefer to use the windows scheduler to set it for the early hours of the morning than let MC do it because it does tie up the tuner whilst it is running and may either cause a recording failure or EPG grab failure if either couldn't get at the tuner card.

The only slight difficulty is when matching the channel names in the EPG data to the actual channels because (in the UK at least) most of the channels are the same. So if you were a complete pedant and wanted to match the DVB-T data to the DVB-T channel for say BBC One and the DVB-S EPG data to the DVB-S channel for BBC One it would be a bit tricky. However since they are usually exactly the same it doesn't matter in the end.

If you need a hand setting it up, give us a shout.  I'm not sure it'll work in you region though, but it's worth checking out.


Sandy B Ridge

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Re: Program Guide - 2 different channel lineups
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2012, 04:24:19 am »

Comcast cable box controlled by IR blaster for premium cable channels,
Sorry, I skipped over this bit! I'm guessing that you can't get the OTA EPG data via this method for the Comcast channels. What you'd then need is an utility to grab two xmltv files for each source and merge them into one to load into MC. There must be one out there......

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