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Author Topic: User manual in PDF format?  (Read 5179 times)


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User manual in PDF format?
« on: November 25, 2012, 05:03:38 pm »

Is there anyway to get printable user manual?  I see the wiki site but would rather have a manual I can hold.  Thanks.


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Re: User manual in PDF format?
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2012, 05:47:33 pm »

A vote for that also, a printable pdf manual that can be printed or viewed on a tablet. With a lot of enfasis on HQ Audio features and HowTo's


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Re: User manual in PDF format?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2012, 06:13:15 pm »

I'm not JR, but this has been asked for a few times in the past and the answer has always been no.  FYI - JR consider their efforts better spent in Development with the user community providing support via this forum and the Wiki.
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: User manual in PDF format?
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2012, 11:38:02 pm »

All the information is there I just would like it in a single document.  I am not looking for a new  manual; just an easy to print version of the wiki one.  


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Re: User manual in PDF format?
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2012, 09:42:10 am »

I'm also not JR. My experience with the WIKI is that it is not a complete or up to date manual. In some areas it can be very helpful, in others quite lacking.

With a very complex product like MC that is constantly evolving/improving it would take a tremendous amount of time to make it complete and keep it updated. As jmone said JRiver has decided that as a small company their limited available hours are better spent improving the product and having the users help with the WIKI & Forum support. This may not be ideal for everyone but it does give us the best Media Player out there.

As a new user I was initially disappointed with this approach but found the Forum to be tremendously helpful for support. As time went on I became very glad that I stuck with MC and now can even occasionally help on the Forum.



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Re: User manual in PDF format?
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2012, 09:54:26 am »

I will just come out and say it - the wiki "had" promise - but it's just a jumbled mess of "stuff' that has no rhyme, reason or most importantly - timeliness.

That said - I have found some helpful bits now and then in the wiki - but it's not easy :)

The whole "wiki" vibe is totally "developer-centric" and works for them - but does not for Joe User. And even then - if the wiki not kept up - it's pointless. Many paying customers could care less about forums either.

Just sayin...




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Re: User manual in PDF format?
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2012, 10:04:30 am »

I will just come out and say it - the wiki "had" promise - but it's just a jumbled mess of "stuff' that has no rhyme, reason or most importantly - timeliness.

That said - I have found some helpful bits now and then in the wiki - but it's not easy :)

The whole "wiki" vibe is totally "developer-centric" and works for them - but does not for Joe User. And even then - if the wiki not kept up - it's pointless. Many paying customers could care less about forums either.

Maybe you didn't find the index?

The topic on "Getting Started" should work pretty well for "Joe".

Regarding paying customers not using forums....

495591 Posts in 71504 Topics by 28998 Members.

and for every registered user, there are five or more guest visitors.  

104 Guests, 14 Users  (at this moment)


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Re: User manual in PDF format?
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2012, 10:48:53 am »

Maybe you didn't find the index?

The topic on "Getting Started" should work pretty well for "Joe".

Regarding paying customers not using forums....

495591 Posts in 71504 Topics by 28998 Members.

and for every registered user, there are five or more guest visitors.  

104 Guests, 14 Users  (at this moment)


No need to run queries and post stats to prove a point.  "I" know the forums are great and "I" know the wiki works - for some people. (even sometimes for me - and yes - I have read all the FAQ's and key areas - still doesn't mean it's relevant.)

But please - don't assume your stats mean anything about anyone buying your product. Or that they do not want a real manual or that they would like to speak to a real person about an issue. Some people still like the accepted standard "things" they think there are supposed to get with a software purchase.

That you guys choose not to supply neither a manual or real live support - does not mean it's a good thing - or even an acceptable thing - for "everyone" out there. Your stats (large numbers of folks logging into the forums) could also represent: "We have no choice but to log onto this goofy forum - since we can't call anyone about a problem and have no manual" for all you know.....

I guess you need to remember that a sizable portion of your paying users are not like us forum cats - most of whom are bolted onto the forums like permanent fixtures :)




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Re: User manual in PDF format?
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2012, 11:02:40 am »

Forums, wikis, and searches are, in my opinion, the standard for digitally delivered software.  I'm sorry if you don't agree.


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Re: User manual in PDF format?
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2012, 11:27:03 am »

Well, I have to side with those wishing for a comprehensive manual in PDF format. While this forum and the scattered all over the place wiki pages help, to be honest they are a tangled mess, often confusing, hard to navigate, use, understand and can be misleading and therefore I'd guess aren't used much if at all by most especially by beginners to the application which after all is who they are mostly intended for most.

This is NOT a knock on the product itself. As I've said several times I find MC excellent, outstanding even in several ways. However that said a product is only as good as what you get out of it. People simply aren't going to invest hours hunting around wiki pages everytime they try to find out how to do something.

Same with asking questions in a forum. Again, nice, but it falls short. This sets up a sitation where more seasoned users that have been using MC for years one version after another get the benefit of all the features because through trial and error they've learned most of the feaures and program quirks while those new to the application limp along, often stumble and use MC at it miminal level, never or rarely discovering all the little extras it does have which in my view is self-defeating. Yes MC is a very good application. It would be a much better one if it had a comprehensive pdf file any application this complex screams out for.


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Re: User manual in PDF format?
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2012, 11:46:26 am »

We think what we do works reasonably well.  I'm sorry, but we're not going to publish manuals in any other form.

Closing this now.
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