Yep. That's because of an (otherwise tremendous) new feature called Carnac. It parses the incoming filenames (for some file types) to try to auto-determine metadata about them, and fill the different fields automatically. Then, if it can figure out enough information, it will do an automated lookup on tmdb or In your case, it has parsed away Sisi (not sure where), 2009 (Year), ZFD (not sure where), and 17-12-2009 (Date), and it dumps the "rest" in the [Name] field.
Search the forums for Carnac, and you'll find all sorts of info. It was added last year to MC17. It completely automatically parses many common filenaming patterns and will automatically look up additional metadata online. It's pretty darn neat.
It failed with your filenaming scheme. Perhaps Matt can take a look at this, as they've made numerous improvements to it to handle common naming schemes. He'll need you to explain your naming pattern in more detail, though.
However, along with Carnac, they added another new feature to MC which allows you to define your OWN parsing rules, which I call Tag On Import. Under the Auto-Import settings, you can set your own rules with as much complexity as you want, on a per-watched-folder basis.
So, for example, if you just want it to always set your [Name] field to match the filename exactly (the old way) you can add a rule like this:

But, you actually have much more power to do advanced parsing using expressions and multiple rules. I covered some of this in this old thread: