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Author Topic: library is importing i-tunes library even after i set media import not to  (Read 1479 times)


  • World Citizen
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I am having a problem. Media Center has now for the third time imported my entire itunes library even though my settings tell it not to. This has caused me frustration as twice, and now a third time, I have to manually go through and look at and decide which files need to be deleted in a 120 GB database of low resolution files. I do not want to delete my itunes library as it took many hours/months to get them there for my casual listening i-pod. I currently have the "Media Import" setting to import only my HD Tracks files form a seperate foler from I-tunes.  I did this at someone urging here and it worked for a couple of days and today it happened again! I have yet to purchases this product because of this. If I can resolve this I will purchase the product.  If not I will hit the monkey up and see how that works.  Please help. I have invested too much time to make a swithch if I don't have too. I other wise like the product.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Auto-importing by Media Center is defined under Tools > Import > Configure Auto-Import...

If your iTunes folder is not beneath one of the folders listed in Auto-Import's configuration, Media Center won't go off and import random folders.  So, check the folders that are listed there.  Is your iTunes folder at or below any listed folder?

MC will also import if you drag a folder into MC.  Or if you've right-clicked a file or folder and selected Media Center > Import.  Or if you've used the Library > Import function.
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 141

The only folder lister in import is the one i keep HD tracks in.  I did drag and drop one sonf from i tunes into media ceter. Would that cause the entire library to link some how? 


  • Citizen of the Universe
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I don't see that a single song import from your iTunes library would cause this.

Is it possible that the iTunes folder was previously in Auto-Import?
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


  • World Citizen
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It may have previously been included but was removed days ago. And when I opened it this morning it was fine.  I downloaded a couple of cd's into media center and all of a sudden I had the entire itunes library back in.  Now I just went to the files tab on the left side of the page and saw many thing when I looked at the location tab near the left han upper corner I saw a buch of locations listed. So i deleted them all and found this removed almost all the files. But when I just dragged some of the songs I wanted that also dissapeared I see it did bring in an ituees designation as well. It is not currently bringing all the songs back in, but I do see the itunes listed there.

This has become an all day project on what should be a casual new years day off. I think jriver needs to consider ending the forums, charge a little more and have a tech department. This is way too time consuming for me. I would rather pay more and save my own personal time. 


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Check your auto import settings.  You must be importing a directory that has the tracks you don't want.

Until you solve it, try using Library backup and restore.  Backup when you like your library.  If something bad happens, restore your backup.


  • World Citizen
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As I have mentioned I have checked the auto import area and the only thing there is the one file I store my HD Track downloads.  The more I am playing with this the more it seems the importing/drag and drop from Itunes is part of the problem. Maybe a glitch in the program.

I will try the back up idea for now, so thanks for that thought.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Do you have any playlists that reference files in the iTunes directory that you may be importing?
The opinions I express represent my own folly.


  • World Citizen
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  • Posts: 141

I do have a playlist that due to the drag and drop does reference itunes as the location for that particular song, but not the entire itunes library.
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