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Author Topic: fresh install  (Read 1572 times)


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fresh install
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:00:40 pm »

Hi, I bought JRiver 18 3 months ago and been upgrading several versions since them, but Im having more and more issues that I didnt have before so my question is: how can erase the hole program to start all over again, except what I had to do to have all my libraries runing ok under jriver like album arts, tags, etc? Thanks



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Re: fresh install
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2013, 01:37:35 pm »

Uninstall, reboot, reinstall.

When you uninstall, you can also choose to remove everything.  It will preserve your media files but remove MC's database.


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Re: fresh install
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2013, 03:11:13 pm »

Thanks Jim but, what exactly Im going to loose in MC database?


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Re: fresh install
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2013, 05:19:26 pm »

When you uninstall, MC gives you two different "things" you can remove at the same time:

1. Settings
2. Your Library

Settings contains all of the options under Tools > Options, the settings for the DSP, and any Zones you may have configured.  This would include things like Auto-Import settings, custom Video and Audio setups, etc.

The Library is the master database for MC.  It includes essentially everything else:  All files that are imported and all their metadata, all of the Views in MC (those in Standard View, Theater View, and Network/DLNA modes), and all Playlists and Smartlists.

Both are contained in the automatic and manual Library Backups that MC makes periodically.

Removing both of these would reset MC back to a completely blank slate state if/when you reinstall.  Removing the Library is especially "destructive".  This would cause you to lose any Library structure customizations you made, and all metadata not stored in the file tags.  MC does store most metadata in the in-file tags where it can, but not everything (especially play and library stats like [Number of Plays] and [Date Imported]), and not all file types have robust in-file tagging support (especially video files, if you don't have the sidecars turned on).

Completely uninstalling and removing both items would probably be a pretty drastic action, and may not solve your problems (which were undescribed).  Without knowing more, it is difficult to make a recommendation, but that does seem a bit akin to swatting a mosquito with a sledgehammer.  I'd certainly recommend that this only be done as a last resort, unless your Library modifications have been minor and all metadata that you care about will be preserved or easy to recreate (based on file structure or something).
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Re: fresh install
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2013, 06:40:23 pm »

Thanks glinor for the explanation. First I will try going back to the version that I received when I bought the program. My problems are realted to the use of wasapi event style, cant use it without issuess now, dont know why.


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Re: fresh install
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2013, 06:45:48 pm »

Just installed the old version and everything is working ok ...thanks
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