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Author Topic: question on media library feature  (Read 1302 times)


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question on media library feature
« on: April 12, 2002, 12:29:05 am »

greetings, media jukebox is really cool. i have used many different audio programs and this is quite innovative i must say.  much better than cruddy musicmatch.  my question is this... i have a rather enormous collection of music on my computer and have the media library organized by the location of the folders.  the problem is that under each separate tree view, a folder called "(unassigned)" comes up, which contains all the thousands of mp3s in my library.  is there a way this (unassigned) view can be turned off?  appreciate the help and the great product.


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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2002, 01:08:38 am »


The (unassigned) folder apperars in Media Library whenever you imported some
tracks without the corresponding information.
For example you'll get an (unassigned) folder in  the Media Library/Album branch
if some tracks have no album name assigned. Same things for artist, genre...

If the tracks you just imported are all in (unassigned) folders it means that
the corresponding information was not available in your music files or you did not
set the correct import options.

I don't know which type of files you are importing but I will assume it's mp3.

The track infos (artist, album, genre) can be stored inside your files through a
mechanism known as "tags". If your mp3 files contains standard tags then MJ will
correcly import the information they contain in the appropriate fields (artist ...)
provided that the tags info were previoulsy entered with another program.
If your mp3 file do no contains tags (which might be the case) then the default
import options will store your files in the (unassigned) folder.
In this case, go in the Tools/import media dialog box (import media files)
click on "advanced" and select the option "get file info from directory/filename"
This will let MJ fill the file informations (artist/album/title) from the file name itself.
for example if your file are named like "Who/Who's Next/Who - Behind Blue Eyes.mp3"
then you will set the directories option as "ARTIST\ALBUM"
and the filename option as "ARTIST - TITLE"
MJ will then use those patterns to get the file informations from your directories and file names.

If you don't want to reimport and get the information from the file names you can
always go to any (unassigned) folders, select some tracks, right click, choose "Properties..."
and then edit all the information you want and save.
Your tracks will now appears under the corresponding branches for artists, album etc...

Don't know if I was clear or helpful ?

Anyway, welcome onboard the MJ interact where you'll promptly find some other folks
who will complement what I just said.

Until the color of a man's skin is of no more significance
than the color of his eyes.
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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2002, 02:13:20 am »

in version 8 you can have this clear on exit
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2002, 04:47:01 am »

Thanks for the nice and patiently given description!
Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox


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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2002, 12:59:48 pm »

here is how i have my library organized - just like the folders on my drive.  A-C, D-F, etc.  all of the files are mp3, and all of them have corressponding ID3 tags.  i'll try to see if i can describe the situation more clearly.  (unassigned) tracks come up under every tree view.  for example, under my A-C view, the first entry is (unassigned) which contains all the other tracks in my library other than the A-C albums.  underneath the (unassigned), all of the A-C albums are there, so that is not the problem.  it's simply getting rid of the (unassigned) underneath every tree view.
thanks for your help!


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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2002, 01:02:39 am »

any thoughts?  or does this sound completely hard-to-understand?  thanks!  cheers, sam


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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2002, 02:12:26 am »

If you want to get rid of the unassigned, select them and delete them

if you do not want them unassigned then enter a artist name

after they have an artist name then you can select Artists A-C, right click, properties, Tools, Rename [X] Dirs, enter a Base Path Like C:\My Music\A-C\ then a Dir Path Rule, Then Enter A File Name Rule.

>>"does this sound completely hard-to-understand?"
if this don't help then, yes
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2002, 02:18:51 am »

the problem or bug whatever you want to call it is that the media library says the tracks are unassigned when they are assigned.  it recognizes them all as being both unassigned and assigned.  do i need to dole out some screen shots or what?


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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2002, 04:18:20 am »

Are you using MJ 7.2?, never heard of the problem.

I Don't See A "UnAssigned tree" in MJ8
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2002, 07:39:17 am »

no i am using 8.0.247 and the unassigned view comes under the other tree views i have created. underneath view of albums A - C is first (unassigned) conntaining all tracks in library, then underneath that, all albums A-C and so on.


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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2002, 11:09:58 am »

Not sure if i will be of any help,but i will try.Do you mind you have Windows yellow folders like it|:folder Rolling Stones-inside the folder,folder for each album?
If yes ,you may had do it yourself or ask MM to do it
Something you can do with RealJukebox.When you do it,a lot of songs get an 'unknow folder'
When you import it in RealJukebox you do not get any unassigned.But with MediaJukebox yes.It can be the same with MM
In this case you have to empty the folders.Let say you have C:\my cds and inside it the bands name folders with the albums name folder inside each band folder.Empty all the folders in the my cds folder.When importing in MediaJuke box,IF ALL YOUR SONGS HAVE A TAG,you will not have any in unassigned


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RE:question on media library feature
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2002, 11:17:08 pm »

This is a bug. Delete all files in the Library (not HD) and reimport. I had this exact same thing happen.
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