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Author Topic: Scheduling library backups  (Read 1810 times)


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Scheduling library backups
« on: January 06, 2013, 09:27:05 am »

Is there a way to force library backups, or schedule them, like a command line or something?



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Re: Scheduling library backups
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 03:04:52 pm »

There is a MCC command:


but I believe it brings up a path-request dialog.  It would be nice if there was a parameter that avoided the UI dialog and used the currently configured backup path.
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Re: Scheduling library backups
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2013, 06:50:19 am »

Yeh that would be extremely helpful.

There's been posts about the somewhat "enthusiastic" housecleaning of the library backups, but I don't think MC makes backups as long as it is running. So if your htpc sits there for a month without a restart of MC or without reboots, I don't think it makes any backups (but I could be wrong, I've not seen it happen is what I mean).

I've resorted to regular restarts of MC and syncing library backups to another folder. MC can delete backups all it wants, I'll keep a copy regardless.

But that still doesn't help making backups on a more regular basis. The MC library is included in daily images too, but that is kind of a hassle restoring that and then replacing the current library with a restore from an image backup.



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Re: Scheduling library backups
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2013, 12:09:23 pm »

But I don't think MC makes backups as long as it is running. So if your htpc sits there for a month without a restart of MC or without reboots, I don't think it makes any backups (but I could be wrong, I've not seen it happen is what I mean).

Mine does.

I backup my library daily and sometimes two or three times daily (especially after lots of changes) but I regularly see messages from MC saying a specific days backup already exists - even it it's the first time on that given day that I attempt a manual backup.

This clearly indicate shows MC already did a backup at some point in the background and my manual attempt is going to overwrite it.

Not sure how or when it occurs (Startup? Shutdown? Other?) but it's definitely occurred here.


Dr Tone

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Re: Scheduling library backups
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 02:17:27 pm »

Add to the list of people wanting a way to schedule a regular backup.


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Re: Scheduling library backups
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2013, 07:44:26 am »

I am confused, Is there are regular automatic backup possibility or not?
Some say yes and other say no....
Add me to the list as well.
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Re: Scheduling library backups
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2013, 08:06:07 am »

MC makes regular backups but you have no control over it. It does some housecleaning as well and removes backups it deems old, although I don't tihnk that happens as agressively as it used to.

Some people including myself would like to have more control over how and when it backups.


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Re: Scheduling library backups
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2013, 09:05:43 am »

MC makes regular backups but you have no control over it. It does some housecleaning as well and removes backups it deems old, although I don't tihnk that happens as agressively as it used to.

MC automatically backs the Library up essentially every day.  However, this only happens at launch/shutdown, so it doesn't happen as reliably if you run a Media Server (which is when you'd think having those backups is the most essential).  The problem is that MC is, you know, pretty stable.  Mine generally only updates when: (a) Windows updates make my PC reboot, or (b) I install new builds of MC.

Luckily, I do (b) all the time, so it isn't an issue.

However... I agree completely.  I want to add a "backup before processing" feature to my FileIngester addin.  There is already a MCC command that triggers the Backup Library process, it just prompts you for a Save As location.

All we need is a parameter for this command that causes it to work in "silent mode", and auto-saves to the current directory specified in:
Options > File Location > Program Files > Library backups

If you want them filed (and stored) using a more complex scheme than MC does by default, you can always just move them via a script after they're created there.  Though, honestly, MC is pretty conservative with the backup rotation cycle (it keeps monthly versions for about a year back, and every version within the past 30 days or so).  For most people, this would be enough.
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