That's the way it it at JRiver's. The Mineapolis gang really appreciate their customers, users and forum contributors. We all know that. The most obvious proof of their involvment lies in the speed at which bugs or new features (sensible ones !) are added in MJ/MC. Nikolay, Matt, Steve, John, everyone there make sure that MC becomes 'THE' media player/organizer and that it fulfills all its user's needs. So they are my first vote : The JRiver crew.
Also let's not forget Lise that used to be very active. She's probably busier now, but she made a tremendous contribution to MJ8.
I would also nominate ZRocker, ChicoSelf, xen-1 & MachineHead not forgetting Gatorbit, Rhinobanga and mhorton and all the others...
But, man, to day the interact member list is rich of 4606 members, that's quite a figure !
And last but not least I would give a special mention to KingSparta and Zev, their contributions always add some spice and make the JRiver forum an interesting place to waste some time every day.
Have a nice day, or evening !