So I imported some BD-ripped series episodes to MC, which are named based on their individual parent folder name: '##. Episode Name', where '##.' is the episode number, i.e. 01., 02., etc). I don't like using the TVDB to fill in stuff in the [Name] tag because their information is often either incorrect or too literal in that regard, but I tend to like everything else, from the descriptions to the thumbnailing. So, I go ahead and tell it to look up the information and apply it (by the way, despite unchecking "Allow overwrite of existing values," it still replaces the data in the [Name] tag), then use "Fill properties from filename" to get the names changed back. Thing is, it also applies the numbering that I used in the explorer folders in order to keep them in order, which I don't want because J River properly sorts each episode by [Season], [Episode], etc as I have defined it as it is.
Is there a convenient way to get rid of these numbers without having to manually go through and delete all of them from the [Name] tag?
Also, consider this a feature request to add the ability to specify what fields you do/do not want to be filled in when looking up info from an external database, if possible.