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Author Topic: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images  (Read 2074 times)


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Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« on: January 20, 2013, 03:38:06 pm »

Until MC 18 I was not having problems to get Cover Art from Images (Google).
After choosing the Image I wanted, I right clicked on it and used "".
Then I had a path defined which allowed to save it in a folder on My Pictures, named Cover Art.
When I right clicked on the album with missing Cover Art, I selected "add from file" under cover art and I could find it.
In the mean time I downloaded MC 18 and I need again to define a path, instead of the one who came by default.
I tried, erasing the temporary one that was by default on Cover Art File Location, but it didn't work. Worse, I can't get the default one, because I forgot it.
1-Was it simplified with MC 18 and, if yes, how is it now?
2-How can I get back the default location?
3-How do I define a new path that will allow me to save the Cover Art Pictures on a folder in My Pictures?

Thanks in advance

Kind regards  Joao


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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2013, 02:48:24 am »




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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2013, 04:54:42 am »

Can you be more specific when you say "it didn't work"? I've been using MC17 and MC18 and it seems to behave in the same way, I can't see anything that's changed.

You can save your manually downloaded images wherever you like and when you choose Add From File, you can browse to that location and find your image. What exactly is not happening?

The path that is configurable in Options defines where MC automatically puts cover art that it finds itself, either in a specific folder that you can specify or in the folder where the actual media file is.  It's possible that when you select Find In Folder, behaviour has changed so that it only looks in the folder that the file is in and not in the folder that you have defined, but this is not the Add From File facility that you are using, it is a different one.


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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2013, 05:23:13 am »

Are the files .jpeg? I have noticed that .jpeg files won't show when adding cover, album art in MC18. When I changed it to .jpg It was shown.



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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2013, 09:51:54 am »

Hi csimon:

Thanks a lot.
I am sorry for my English and I will try to be more specific.
But, first, let me ask csimon: how do you proceed when you rip a CD and the cover art doesn't show up?. It seems to me that you have a simpler method than mine.
When you say: "You can save your manually downloaded images wherever you like and when you choose Add From File, you can browse to that location"... . I don't understand. You speak of my manually downloaded images. What do you mean by that? From where do I download the images?
What I use to do is "going to images, entering the data about the CD, choosing one image from the ones I can find and after right clicking that image, click on "save images as". When I do this, a window opens where I have to name that image, usually CD 001, etc and save.
But I don't know anymore where the image is saved. Before, I had created a folder named Cover Art and the images went to it. But someone from MC helped me hoe to create that path. I forgot how, in the mean time.
So, what I am asking you is if you could help me defining your method on a step by step way, in order to not get lost. If there are alternative ways, will you be so kind to describe them?
I will remain very gratefull for all your support, recognising that it represents a lot of work for you.

Kind regards


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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2013, 10:14:02 am »

But, first, let me ask csimon: how do you proceed when you rip a CD and the cover art doesn't show up?. It seems to me that you have a simpler method than mine.
When you say: "You can save your manually downloaded images wherever you like and when you choose Add From File, you can browse to that location"... . I don't understand. You speak of my manually downloaded images. What do you mean by that? From where do I download the images?

OK - when you said this: "After choosing the Image I wanted, I right clicked on it and used "".
Then I had a path defined which allowed to save it in a folder on My Pictures, named Cover Art.
" I thought that you meant you are finding the pictures yourself manually from Google, saving them, then instructing MC to attach the cover art to the music.

It now sounds like you are ripping a CD, allowing MC to find the cover art, then you select the one you want when it gives you a choice.  But with this method, you don't have to give it a filename.  So I don't understand what you are doing.

When I rip a CD, I allow MC to try to find the cover art itself. If it can find one, it saves it automatically in the folder I have defined in Options - in my case, I have specified that it goes into the same folder as the file. But you can choose yourself which folder it goes into.

If it finds several pictures then it will give me a choice of which one I want to use. I select my favourite and MC saves it in the relevant folder as described above.  I don't have to give it a name.

If MC cannot find a picture, I go onto the web myself to try and find a suitable picture, or I just scan the picture myself from the CD cover. Either way, I choose myself in which folder to the save the file.  I then use the Add From File option to browse to the file I have saved and instruct MC to attach it to the album.

What I use to do is "going to images, entering the data about the CD, choosing one image from the ones I can find and after right clicking that image, click on "save images as". When I do this, a window opens where I have to name that image, usually CD 001, etc and save.

I have not seen this behaviour. It sounds like you have not got the default rules set up in options, to specify where to put the file, so MC is asking you where to put the file and what to call it. It is up to you to decide where to put the file.  So choose a folder and enter it into Options, so that Mc doesn't ask you where to put it.  I don't know what the default folder is when you first install MC, it doesn't matter.  You can either chose to put pictures in the same folder as the file itself, or you can choose one folder to put all cover art.

But I don't recognise this procedure: "going to images, entering data about the CD, choosing one image from the ones I can find and after right clicking that image, click on "save images as"".  This doesn't sound like CD ripping at all.  If you are going into the Cover Art options, there is no need to enter data about the CD.  If you are ripping a CD, there is no need to right-click on an image and use "Save As".


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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2013, 12:28:13 pm »

Thanks again.
The method I described is only when I rip a CD and the cover art doesn't appear. This doesn't happen a lot, but it happens sometimes. It is in that situations that I use Google (my first option and the one that opens automatically if I press Images that is on a toolbar, aside with Amazon and others.
But I think I got it, finally.
Thank you again for your support.
Kind regards


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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2013, 12:33:21 pm »

I'll try to find a new CD to rip and see if I can replicate what's happening with you!


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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2013, 01:57:29 pm »

But, please, consider that the cover art is not the right one, even if it is, and search a cover art and try to put it on the album created after ripping.
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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2013, 03:08:42 pm »

I have created a new library and ripped a CD into it.

In Tools/Options/File Locations/Cover Art, the option that is selected is:

"Audio Mode: In the same folder as the file."

To try and replicate your situation, I changed this to:
"Audio Mode: In a specified folder"
and in the option below this I entered the following for the folder name:
"\\NAS\Media Files\Cover Art\"

I inserted the CD and it was not recognised (the CD was chosen deliberately!) and a dialog popped up immediately asking me to enter information for the CD. I didn't change anything, just left the fields as Unknown and Track 1 etc.  Pressed the OK button and then the Rip button after getting the main ripping screen.

After all the tracks were ripped, I closed the Rip window. No cover art dialog was presented.

I went to the the Recently Ripped screen and right-clicked on one of the tracks and selected Cover Art/Get From Internet.  No results were returned. I then edited the Album name for that track and entered "Brothers in Arms" and also "Dire Straits" for the Artist and tried Get From Internet again. It found 5 images. As you requested, I decided that none of these were suitable so I did not press the Save Cover Art button but pressed the Cancel button instead. I then chose a random image from my hard disk (presumbaly you could try searching yourself on the internet and downloading an image and saving it somewhere) and tried to attach it to the file, so I right-clicked on the file and selected Cover Art/Add From File. I browsed to the file, selected it and MC asked if I wanted to copy it to my Cover Art location.  I said No.  If I'd have said Yes, then it would have copied the file to \\NAS\Media Files\Cover Art\. The image then got attached to the file correctly.

So... I tried another approach. I got the real Brothers In Arms CD and ripped that instead. It found the Cover Art automatically and attached it to the files.  I noticed that the image file had been created in \\NAS\Media Files\Cover Art\Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms.jpg

I decided that this was not the right artwork.  So I right-clicked on the file in Recently Ripped and chose Cover Art/Get From Internet, and it returned the same 5 images as above.   I chose a different image with a different resolution and pressed the Save Cover Art button.  It attached the new image to the file correctly and also overwrote the \\NAS\Media Files\Cover Art\Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms.jpg file with the new version.  I decided that this was not correct either! So I right-clicked on the file and chose Cover Art/Add From File, browsed my hard disk and selected another image.  This time, I said Yes to the dialog that asked me whether to copy the image and it copied the image and overwrote the \\NAS\Media Files\Cover Art\Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms.jpg file.

This is all happening correctly and as I would expect. What are you doing and seeing that is different?

What entries do you have in Tools/Options/File Locations/Cover Art?


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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2013, 11:35:01 am »

I don' know how to thank you all your kindness and the amount of work I am giving to you.
Interestingly I also have a NAS (I call it Diskstation) where I have all my files. I had to learn on the hard way to keep the Cover Art with the files and now I have:
File Location:
Cover Art:
Audio Mode: In the same folder as the file
Folder: \\DISKSTATION\photo\ Cover Art
Also store image in the file's tag

So far, I think I get things OK.

But I couldn't yet explain correctly what the issue is and I can see that you follow another way when you don't have a folder with Cover Art, even if it was from a ripped CD.
In these situations, either you don't have any Cover Art or it is the wrong one.
My first step is to right click the album, go to cover art and press "Get from Internet". Some times I get one or two but, most of the times I don't get any.
Then, I had established a way: I created an album named A in My Pictures to save there all the Cover Arts found on other places.
The best way I found, and it worked wonders was to left double click the album with missing Cover Art to know it name. Usually it appeared. Then, I will go to "Images", a Google images short cut provided by MC. When I pressed "Images" a Google Images search page opened and I introduced the name of the record, the conductor, and other identifiers and pressed "Enter".
I was presented with a bunch of images, with the appropriate ones on the beginning. Than, I select one with the size I wanted (usually 300x300 minimum).
After the selection. I right clicked on the image and selected "save the image as". The folder A, that I created on My Pictures automatically opened and I was requested to save the Cover Art I got from Google. I had to give it a name, usually CD 001, 002, etc., and pressed save.
I went back to the album without cover art and selected "Ad from File".
The cover art was available to save on the album.

I always had the impression that this was a hard way, but it worked.
Recently, after changing to MC 18, I lost this Path and it saves on My Pictures, but nor anymore on the Album A. What happened. What do I have to correct?

I told you that most of my files, all in FLAC come from ripping, but I forgot to say that I have a brother that, sometimes, sends me several musics, some with the cover arts, some not. These represent the bigger problem but, so far, I solved it with my method.

Please indulge me from my poor English and try to keep helping.

Kind regards



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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2013, 04:24:07 pm »

I'm sorry, I don't really understand!  Your album called A in My Pictures is a Windows file system folder? So if it's not there any more, something must have deleted it. J Rive itself will only delete empty folders after renaming/moving files. Does it really matter anyway, as this is just a temporary place for you to place your discovered cover art?  Just recreate the folder in My Pictures.

When you click Save Picture As in Google images, it has probably remembered the last path you used to save a file to. Windows programs do that a lot, if you open a program it will remember the path that you last used. Since you upgraded to MC18, this information probably was not kept. So all you have to do is recreate the A folder and browse to it the next time you use Save Picture As.


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Re: Please Help. I am lost getting Cover Art from Images
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2013, 02:53:23 am »

Thank you very much.
I will not insist, giving you more work with my little problem.
Thanks again for everything you have done to help me.
Kind regards

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