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Author Topic: Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement  (Read 2398 times)

Alonso Nefarious

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Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« on: April 10, 2002, 09:15:05 am »

Those RIAA guys have got to be reigned in.  This is insane.

Harry The Hipster

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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2002, 10:37:44 am »


We have a loudspeaker system in our office - used for paging people. I hate Muzak, but after one too many Sierra Nevada Porters I decide to hook my Rio Volt up to my computer and broadcast sounds to my captive audience (most of them haven't progressed beyond Pat Boone, but that's another matter). All legally bought, fully paid for, ripped and encoded to mp3 format and then burned to a data disc.

That's a problem? Since when? What if I play my music at home for invited guests? Or play it through a loudspeaker at a block party?

Time for the Supremes to do something about this. Brave New World. Give me back the old one.


Alonso Nefarious

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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2002, 12:39:01 pm »

What about this: You set up a wireless network, and your neighbor listens to your collection?  Are you then liable?  At that point what is difference between WiFi as an 'enabling technology' and Kazaa?

Warren Zevon - Excitable Boy
Warren Zevon - Laywers Guns and Money



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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2002, 12:48:33 pm »

Warren Zevon! So many people with good taste on this forum!


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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2002, 12:55:40 pm »

What's next? Going after kids hangin' at MDs with with their windows down and their thumpers blaring? BROADCASTING to all in the parking lot. This is nuts. How do they get away with this. Our personal rights are being violated by this organization, And you know what, we are picking up the tab for these lawsuits with every LEGAL purchase we make. Has everyone e-mailed their elected officials to try and stiffle this nonsense?

Michael Horton

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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2002, 01:01:56 pm »


Sierra Nevada Porter . . . now we're talking about something that really makes sense.

Anyway, the situation reminds me of the opening lyrics of "I Am The Greatest" by A house:

A House - I Am The Greatest (1992) [as best as I can tell]

Whatever happened to good music?
You know—in the days when you could feel it--it was almost sexual
Sending shivers up your spine
This, I believe, was because some writers were not restricted by the small music dictatorship which now exists
Let’s hope that the future holds something better than the present, and let’s leave the past alone
The music business is incapable of bringing music to the future
As it sits just waiting to pounce on any third-rate trend, milking it to death, once again putting money where the music is not


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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2002, 01:23:13 pm »

I send you this email from the police station
I was whistlening the Bridge of the river Kwai in the street.They asked fo my broadcasting licence.I do not have one,so know i am typing post with handcuffs..not easy...


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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2002, 01:35:58 pm »


So.. did you get permission from the artists or the record label for that post?

Yesterday I thought I went off topic responding to the post about the Music01 server and a possible subscription fee but today I feel that I didn't say enough.  How would this record label justify its fee for allowing access to these music files vis a vis the artists who created them.  Would the artists get a commision every time someone clicked on their track to listen to it?  

I guess the labels allow broadcasting over the airways as a promotional activity but what about shows that do user requests?  Are they now involved in piracy?

Michael Horton

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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2002, 01:41:25 pm »

No, and JRiver will delete the lyrics if they consider it inappropriate or troublesome

Just trying to be provacative without putting forth much effort

On my way out the door to track down some Sierra Nevada . . .

Harry The Hipster

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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2002, 01:41:43 pm »

....or drumming your fingers on the tabletop while listening to a Blakey drum solo. Copyright extends to his pattern of rim shots on Night in Tunisia[/].  That'll get you 2-4, stand committed.

Come to think of it....the most effective way to stop illegal copying is to sell CDs without any sound whatsoever. They'll give you a score sheet with it, and you can hum the refrain.



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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2002, 02:14:03 pm »

Just to clarify... the RIAA went after these guys for allowing the swap of MP3's. Not for broadcasting music over the PA. Just because you're only sharing music with a select few instead of the whole world doesn't mean that copywright laws don't apply.


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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2002, 02:34:12 pm »

These guys are only burying themselves with all their lawsuits and attempts to restrict fair use rights.  They're encouraging people to steal.  History shows that when the business environment isn't favorable then the business moves to somewhere else.  There are plenty of countries that the RIAA has little to no jurisdiction.    

The silly thing is they could stamp this out so easily by just lowering prices..  People are generally honest and they prefer to pay for things as opposed to stealing.  If the RIAA and it's members would drop their prices enough to make the purchase of a CD something that people don't have to think twice about then they would increase their sales enough to offset the reduced profit margin.  They would make a killing!  Instead, they'll kill themselves fighting this..  The cat's already out of the bag.



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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2002, 02:44:47 pm »

So if I drive down the road in my car with my windows rolled down playing my MP3's is this something I could get arrested for?
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2002, 02:47:50 pm »

Hands on the hood mister!! And leave that mp3 player right where I can see it!


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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2002, 03:02:11 pm »


I just want to do the right thing.

If i play music i for sure do not want to go downtown and get beat up by the cops in the bathroom just for playing music.

Can someone please tell me if I am in danger?
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA


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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2002, 03:30:55 pm »

King,anyway WE will beat you
For not spraying the real pest.....................


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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2002, 03:32:43 pm »


I wish I could beleave me.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
Model Trains, Internet, Ham Radio, Music
Fayetteville, NC, USA

Harry the Hipster

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RE:Internal File Sharing = RIAA Lawsuit = $1M Settlement
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2002, 04:21:13 pm »

Doof's right. They were using the server for file-swapping, not just streaming. The original article was ambiguous - referred to "sharing", which some of us took to mean accessing for playback.

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