I don't have large hardware buffers selected either. I've tried less taps on the FIR filters, going so low as to start losing LF resolution and that didn't help either. For the hell of it I just switched the Windows default sound device to another card for the Loopback and that didn't change anything, though I didn't think it would.
I've never used the auto sample rate switcher, but after some monkeying around I got it to work. Apparently with the Loopback the default Windows driver sets the sample rate. I set the mobo to 48khz and MC says 48khz input and locks onto my 48khz filter, same for 44.1. Funny thing is, when I set the default driver to 96khz MC input says 96k input, and convolution says "Enabled and Processing 96khz" but the status says not valid. That said, when we use the Loopback we are at the mercy of the default sound device if there's any resampling that needs to be done?! Yet another reason for a JRiver WDM driver........
After doing that the Loopback is working a good bit better, there's still a ways to go though. Any sort of defect in the playback makes me not want to listen at all...........fortunately it's flawless w/o convolution. I don't see how this made any difference though, as I had both souncards that I used as the default device set to 48k which is what I've been building my filters at and what I've always had MC resample too......
I didn't get this PC with audio processing in mind......only web browsing

but it's served me well for a Wal-Mart Acer!